“I don’t usually make dinner, you know?” she continues, waving her hand at the now empty and perfectly clean displays. “I’m usually too tired after baking all day to bother. But I could whip us up something?—”
“I’ll take care of you,” I growl at her, and she blinks at the force of my words, like she’s not sure what I mean by them.
By the Underhill, I’m not sure what I mean either. Now that we’re alone, and the prospect of sleeping next to her with just a wall between us looms large in the future, I can barely control my need for this woman.
Maybe convincing the newly arrived witch to take my room at the inn was a mistake. Maybe sharing living quarters with this beautiful woman, this witch that I’ve wanted for weeks now, is a mistake.
Piper’s tongue darts out as she licks her lower lip, and this time, I do groan.
Her eyes widen, and I know she’s heard me.
My cock jumps at the idea of her listening to me moan her name, and a wet bead forms at the tip, dampening my trousers.
“I can take you out tonight, and you can tell me what you need me to do to make you come…”
She makes a startled sound, her lovely cheekbones turning rosy.
“To make you come to your senses about having me help you with the autumn festival,” I quickly finish.
What the fuck has gotten into me? I’m about as smooth as a senile dragon’s hide. All I can think about is making her come. Apparently so much so that the powers of language are starting to fail me.
“Honestly…” she bites her lip, and I have to look away from the way it changes color under the pressure. I want to watch her nipples do the same. Are they pink like her lips, or duskier brown? Are they small and perky or round and full?
I want to find out. The sooner the better.
I make myself inhale slowly, forcing thoughts of what are surely perfect breasts far from my mind. Food and help. That is what I am promising.
And if I do well enough, perhaps she will consider me a bedmate… or maybe even a real partner.
I’ve never been shy about what I want, and right now?
All I want is the kitchen witch blushing across the room at me.
“Or the Night Market?” she asks quietly. “Have you done that yet?”
“The Night Market?” I repeat. “Is that with the booths down in the square?”
“You haven’t been yet?” Her face lights up with the question, and I want nothing less than to take her there immediately.
“It sounds perfect?—”
“Unless you’re too tired to go, which I would understand. I know I asked you to get here at the break of dawn?—”
“I want to take—” I interrupt, but she forges onward, her face growing more stressed by the second.
“If you want to go to the Rowdy Wolf, that’s fine too, I don’t want to pressure you,” she finishes.
I stare at her for a long moment, trying to decide how to tell her what’s on my mind without terrifying her.
“I want to do what will make you happy, Piper,” I finally tell her. I lean against the front door, crossing my arms, every fiber in my being wanting to cross to where she stands, stiff and unsure, and make her understand that. “I think the Night Market sounds like fun.”
She brightens considerably, that light of excitement I’ve learned to look for back in her eyes. “Really?” she asks, tilting her head.
“Really,” I tell her.
“Oh,” she slaps her forehead, and I take several steps towards her, wanting to kiss the spot she’s hit, before I realize I’m already spiraling towards the point of no return with her. “I forgot. You’ll probably need to go get your things from the inn first, right?”
I laugh out of confusion. “What things?”