Page 6 of Spirit Island

“I have alreadyhad breakfast, but I do need to stop at some shops in the village.Jane’s skill is a little light-fingered, and she populated my houselast night.”

“May I comewith you?”

“Please. I needto figure this out.”

He nodded. Theywalked through her home, and he admired the furniture. “She hasgood taste.”

“This was asummoning. She can move things from place to place or her son. Shecan move him easily.”

“You likeher.”

“Everyone likesJane, and everyone loves Terro.”

He smiled. “Isaw him once, I think. His mother was carrying him.”

“He’sself-propelled now.” Serin smiled. “At high speed.”

They walked tothe shops that were opening with shock and confusion at the missingsupplies and homewares. Serin began to pay for her house’s newinterior finishings.

Deno wanderedoff and got himself some breakfast, and Serin just went throughshop after shop, including the sleepwear and fresh clothing.

Word was sentaround the vendors, and anyone with missing items could send her anote or come see her with a list and a pay unit.

Serin was givena cup of tea at the shop where the pillows had come from, andeveryone else came to her. Her village was happy to have herhome.

Her grandmotherapproached, and Serin smiled. “Hey, Grandma.”

“Serin. Oh, mybig girl.”

Serin got toher feet and hugged her grandmother. “Hi. Where’s grandpa?”

“He’s on hisway, but he’s slow nowadays.”

Her mother’sfather slowly appeared around the rest of the villagers, and heenfolded her in a hug. “Hey, Pop-pop.”

“Hey, littleflower.”

Serin paused.It was his name for her sister. “How are you feeling, Pop-pop?”

“Could bebetter; could be worse. I wish your sister would come back and dowhat she was supposed to.”

“Maybe she justhates Ulo, Pop-pop?”

“Doesn’tmatter. I told him to do what he needed to do years ago. If hehadn’t gotten caught, the island would be crawling with little onesby now.”

The crowd wasfrozen in horror, and her grandmother was wringing her hands.

Serin held hishands and poured some life back into him. He smiled and lookedaround and then took a step back. “Oh, no. Oh, berry. I am sosorry.”

“It’s fine,Pop-pop. If you want to talk to my sister, she’s in the jail forattempted murder. You can spend as much time as you like talkingabout things that should have been. Your spurring Ulo to actionmade me run. He withdrew our link, and that killed my child. Iwould not stay around here after that. There was no future for me.He took it from me, and you encouraged him to do it.”

He paled. “Hewas never supposed to break the link.”

“Oh, but hedid, to honour my sister, he did it. Cursing the island at thatmoment. Wasn’t it fun? You had a part in all of this. I am sure youare proud. Neither of them will be able to taste fruit from thetrees or fresh water on the islands. The fish will avoid theirhooks, and ants will haunt their sleep.”

She sat back onthe chair and said, “Who else has a bill from my friend’spopulating of my house?”

The crowdslowly edged her grandparents out while her grandmother’s sobs rangin the air.