“Tea. The soilis wonderful for growing, and harvesting is time-consuming butdefinitely worth it.”
She smiled.“Fun. That sounds like a challenge for the show. Same with thecoffee plantation a few islands over. Making your own cup of tea orcoffee is hilarious.”
He chuckled.“Farming for ideas?”
“Always. WhenSerin mentioned this idea, we knew it was going to be successful,and we started looking around to look for minimally invasive tasksto set the participants of the show. So far, we have swimming,diving, snorkelling, kayaking, catamaran piloting, and hiking. Oh,and traditional dance to be judged by the locals.”
He grinned.“Those all sound like fun.”
“That is theidea.”
“Care to joinme on the couch?”
She picked upher teacup and followed him to the couch. He sat down and pattedthe seat next to him. He took the teacup, set it on the tablebeside him, then turned to her, stroked her cheek, and kissedher.
She sighed andleaned up toward him. He shifted quickly, and she was sittingacross his thighs in the curve of his arm.
He shudderedand smiled. “I have been imagining this moment.”
“For over twoyears. I remembered your scent and searched for it endlessly.”
“I am guessingthat you were looking in the wrong place.” She caressed his jaw andneck.
“But you arehere now.”
Jane smiled. “Iam here now. We have forty-five minutes to make out before Terro isawake again.”
Andreux didn’twaste a second. She tasted him, got his scent, and was pretty sureshe could track him from five miles away by the time their soncalled for her.
Her lips wereswollen, and she was breathing heavily against his shoulder. “Idon’t think I have ever done that, even when I was a teen.”
He smiled. “Ihave a whole list of ridiculously drawn-out foreplay to share withyou, but we should get Terro.”
“Yeah, I don’tthink I can walk. We can just wait a few seconds.”
The calls forMamabecame feverish, and she called out, “Out here,Terro.”
Andreux made tostand while she was still on him. “Shouldn’t we get him?”
“I think I wantto show you his party trick.” She smiled. “Come on, Terro. I amwaiting.”
There was asudden silence, and then, Terro landed on Jane’s lap.
Andreux paled.“When did he start doing that?”
“Six monthsago.” She cuddled her little man and soothed his cheeks.
When heheadbutted her breast, she blushed. “No, Terro, you don’t needmilk.”
Andreuxblinked. “He isn’t weaned?”
“He’s weaned;he’s just greedy.” Jane blushed as her son started muttering as hetried to figure out her dress. “I shouldn’t have gotten him totransport. It makes him extra hungry. I am the fastest source ofcalories.”
“He has goodtaste. Would you like some privacy?”