Page 9 of Spirit Island

She kept herswim back and forth slow until she was ready to get out. Shereached for the robe she had brought and smirked as she had troublegetting it closed. She was back. Two years of cancer care had takenher body down to nothing, but now, she was home, and she was back.Her muscles, her curves, and her balance were now right.

Dorian staredas she stepped off the rocks. “Holy shit.”

Belle grinned.“I always get what I need from the water. It is just faster to getit from this pool because you dump so much energy into it. So, now,I can get back to work. My second life starts now.”

Amby blinked.“Second life?”

“Yeah. I wasdown in hospital, and my heart stopped a few times duringtreatment. So, now, I am on to my second life.” She slipped on hersandals and gathered her clothing. “Step one, new wardrobe.”

Belle walkedover to her single electric scooter and headed back to the village.She left the lovers to their recharging of the pool.

Her robeflapped around her legs, and as she got into town, she starteddrawing attention. Belle snorted. She was thirty, and her body hadbeen invaded by nearly every medical tool known to man. If theywanted to look, they could look. Her body had survived and earnedthe right to be appreciated.

She parked herscooter where she had borrowed it and walked the six minutes to thecommercial shopping area.

She opened thedoor and saw the proprietor fussing over her beta. The beta wasblushing. “Ahheel, cool it. You have a customer.”

“Don’t mind me.I just regained twenty-five pounds of fat and muscle. Nothing Ipacked fits.”

“Mini, nothingis more important than you are.”

“Right, well, Ineed to work. So, shoo.” The beta smiled and waved off her alpha.“Or I will work in the café in the square.”

Ahheel sighed,kissed her mate, and straightened. “Right, well, what level ofmodesty are we dealing with?”

Belle shruggedand pulled off the robe. “What do you have that fits this?”

Mini’s eyeswent wide, and she started scribbling in her notebook.

Ahheel blinked,and colour stained her cheeks. “I have a few two-piece items thatshould fit. Are you looking for underwear?”

“If you havesome in stock. I am not gagging for it.” Belle smiled.

They beganshopping, and soon, Belle had a stack of clothes, and Ahheel wassweating. Mini grinned. “I thought she only got that flustered forme.”

Belle smiled.“Well, at least I am no longer shocking the wildlife.”

She watchedAhheel put the clothing in a bag.

Mini smiled.“What brings you to the islands?”

“Oh, I was bornout here. Serin is embracing her role as Minister of Tourism andwants to hold the next Alphas verses Betas out here. I am going todo a trial run to find a safe route that is still exciting.” Shesmirked. “I would say that my brother and I were supposed to workon it, but if our link is anything to go by, he’s busy.”

Ahheelchuckled. “Twins?”


“Me, too, andthe other alpha in our little group.” Ahheel smiled. “Exeter hashis own twin. All fraternal.”

“Yeah. Let metell you, that makes me nervous every time I have sex.” Bellesmirked. “Good thing condoms work.”

Ahheel smiled.“With a female alpha, that wouldn’t be a problem.”

“Uh-huh. Thatwould be too many breasts for me. I have enough trouble withthese.” She cupped her breasts and dropped them. The dark, gauzytop was buttoned halfway, and her belly was exposed when the panelsmoved. Her skirt had slits up to midthigh on both legs, and thedark blue looked good with her frosty blue hair with greenhighlights.

“You know, itis odd. You don’t have any scent.”

Belle chuckled.“Chemo does that. It’s making its way out of my system, but theprocess is slow. Paddling around Dorian’s pool did me a world ofgood.”