Deno smiled. “Iwill need to gain resident status.”
Kekoa snorted.“I have a stack of them in my office. There have been a lot of newadditions, which is amazing.”
Deno sat nearSerin. “What constitutes a first date on the island.”
Alohi liftedhis head. “A night at the village. Food, music, dancing; it’sfun.”
Kekoa smiled.“And if you wear the cuffs and activate them, you will know howcompatible you are.”
Serin sighedand looked at Deno. They both smiled. “We already know.”
Jane did someediting on the fly and then showed the revamped video. It was aproductive meeting with builtin childcare. Everybody won.
Chapter Two
Belle swam slowly inthe healing waters, and it was glorious to feel the energy seepinginto her bones and muscles. She had been born on the islands, andher brother was a mainland boy. It was funny and something shecould lord over her brother.
She swam slowlyacross the pool and back again, pulling energy in slowly.
She heard thehovercraft arrive and turned to see Dorian and Ambermarleapproaching.
Belle slickedback her white hair and swam to speak to them. “Hello.”
Dorian lookedat her with concern. “You are absorbing a lot of healing.”
“I needed it.Can you recharge it?”
He smiled andnodded. “I will do it when we finish our climb to the top. Serinwants footage that she can use.”
Amby grinned.“And I want to try again when I can actually pull up my own bodyweight.”
Dorianchuckled. “And I can be a lot more touchy on the climb.”
“Perv.” Shesnorted.
He grinned.“Let’s go, Amby.”
“Fine, but youare carrying the battery packs.”
“Done, as longas I get to kiss you at the head of the falls.”
“As long as itis only a kiss.”
Belle watchedthe smirk on his face as he said, “Of course.”
Belle laughedas they walked to the ropes that descended from the top of thefalls and the harnesses were put in place.
She continuedto watch them climb the cliff, and when they got to the top, therewas a strange pause, and then, a hefty surge of energy wrappedaround her. Ah, they had taken a break. The water wassuper-charged, and her body was making use of the extra energy.
Her scalptingled, and she felt some growth in her hair. Figured.
She continuedto swim, but since her body was drinking in everything, she beganto smile and plan. Belle had been asked to do a test run of thepossible Alphas versus Betas run through the islands.
The sacred poolof the island had done its job, Amby and Dorian descended in arapid flight, and Dorian braked for them with Amby facing him.
The affectionbetween them matched the adrenalin they had just brought to thefore in the drop. Belle felt a little pervy, but then, she had seenworse. Long hospital stays showed a whole lot of inappropriatefrisky behaviour on the wards overnight.