Deno arrivedwith a cup of coffee in each hand. “Here you go.”
“Thanks, Deno.The coffee is welcome. The hits just keep on happening.” She tookthe cup, and he rubbed the back of her neck.
“New day. Newstart. The past is the past. It cannot be changed. Did I hear youcursing your sister and Ulo?”
“Yeah. I am notsure if I did or not, but if I did, I think it will end when I havegotten on with things.”
The vendor shewas sitting with looked at Serin. “Is he your mate?”
“Probably. Heis the spirit of the island. Voluntarily. It has left Ulocompletely and is now in Deno.”
Deno snorted,and the green flared in his eyes as he looked around. “Now that mymate has returned, I needed to find a host who would appeal to her.She has worked with Deno and enjoys looking at him, and he,her.”
Serin coveredher eyes for a moment and then looked up. “Thank you,Deno-spirit.”
He leaned downand kissed her lips quickly. “They will get used to it, as willyou.”
She blushed ashe stood up, and Deno grinned. “Well, I do.”
She frowned andthen realized the last statement about him liking to look at her.“Oh.”
He smiled.“Drink your coffee.”
She sipped atthe cup, and the sellers gathered around Deno, asking him about thespirit and when he got it.
Serin felt thepolite request and stood up. “Please gather a list of what I owe. Iwill return from the palace and settle the rest of the accountswhen I get back.”
Liho, thefurniture seller, nodded. “We can deliver the bill to the palace ifyou like.”
“If it gets itsettled faster, please.”
Deno put hisarm around her, and they excused themselves to head to thepalace.
“This is fun.You are going to get to meet Terro and his mom.”
“I look forwardto it, as you speak so highly of them.”
They approachedthe palace, and there was a lot of childish giggling going on.Serin knocked on the nearest post, and Kekoa looked up and smiled.Alohi was playing ball with Terro, and Haravin and Narro weresitting to the side while he gave her a back rub. Jane was talkingto Kekoa about something on the tablet in front of him.
Jane looked up.“Hey, Serin, I am just going over some of the early videos thatThera and Aeryn have put together.”
“Nice. I haveonly seen them on my phone. Busy few days.”
Jane reset thevideos, and Kekoa watched with them as Serin judged the images andthe music. “Oh, those are good. A few tweaks and they are ready fordistribution.”
Jane chuckled.“Great. There is a ton more footage. Amby is even going to recreateher trip up the cliff with Dorian and swim with Ohno.”
Kekoa looked ather. “How do you know all this?”
“I read thebriefs, and I have worked with Serin before. She gave me access tothe files, and I think I know what she wants changed in the edits.Serin, will you watch Terro?”
“Of course, butI think Alohi has it covered.”
Serin glancedover at Terro and Alohi playing catch. “He does, but I will be hereas back up. Oh, Kekoa, this is Deno. He’s my match.”
Deno chuckled.“Hello.” His eyes flared solid green, and he nodded to Kekoa.
Kekoa joltedand blinked. “Oh, it makes so much sense.”