Page 50 of Spirit Island

“They are thestart. Your advertising campaign is luring people over andindustries who want to encourage a slow pace of life. Kekoa isready, and they have an immigration portal designed for Wonder sothat they don’t have to continue using Emerald for intake.”

“You know a bitabout this.”

“I talked toSerin and Kekoa. I know what the plan is.” He leaned in and rubbedhis nose against hers. “If I ask nicely, will you show me the firstdrafts of the show adverts?”

She nodded. “Icould use a second set of eyes. Belle got a lot of footage headinginto the strait, and what happened next is hilarious.”

He grinned. “Mymother has Terro for the next hour, so why not? Want popcorn?”

She nodded. “Iwill patch the files together.”

He kissed herand said, “I am glad he gets his intelligence from you. I can’tthink of much right now.”

She laughed andgot up, heading slowly to the computer room. She spliced the filestogether, he returned with a plate of snacks and popcorn, and theywatched Belle set sail, and Jane made notes.

Jane tensedwhen the motorized vessel entered the strait and the fin cametoward them.

Watching Bellejump into the water and turn into water with her navel at thewaterline was amazing.

Jane made notesas the titans wrestled, and Belle won and dragged the vessel to theother side of the strait. Belle then crawled onto the boat, andthey continued on their tour.

“Wow. I am notgoing to restrain myself from telling Xo that he got beat up by hismate.”

Jane chuckledand started to cut particularly good angles that could be used fora trailer, as no one on the mainland would know that the peoplewere real.

Whatever magicwas making the enhanced alphas, betas and omegas hid them from theworld at large. No one remembered the surprising portions of theexposure. That detail was going to make the islands a very funplace in the years to come, and Jane was going to enjoy everyminute of it with her new family locked to her side.

Life on theislands was going to be an endless adventure... but first, they hadto get this show up and running.