“No, honey, Iam still here.”
She heardAndreux. “We will find her, Terro.”
Crunchingfootfalls began, and as they got closer, the urge to run wasbecoming hard to suppress.
She took a fewsteps, and Andreux’s voice was stern. “Jane, Terro is reallyupset.”
She stayed put,and when they rounded the corner, it was all flailing arms and legswhile he made his dad set him down. The gravel flew as he lunged ather legs, sobbing and sniffling. “Aw, honey. I am fine, you arefine.”
He stoppedcrying and wiped his nose on her dress. “Yeah, thanks for markingyour territory, bud.”
He looked ather, blinked, and then beamed. “Caught!”
“You cheated.You cried so Daddy would come and help.”
Terro scrunchedhis shoulders and giggled.
Andreuxblinked. “He played me?”
“Oh, yeah.Other alphas have fallen for it, too. Somewhere in him is themanipulation gene. So, your mom or your dad?” She eased Terro tothe ground.
He blinked.“Oh, Mom. Definitely.”
She smiled.“Mystery solved.”
Terro lookedaround. “Mommy, run.”
“No more. Weare going to talk with your grandmama and then maybe yourgrandfather, and then, we can head back to the hotel.”
“Or maybe not.”Andreux smiled.
“I will callfor a ride back to Wonder.”
“How? You leftyour phone behind.”
She looked athim and gestured to the snot mark that Terro had left. Itdisappeared.
Andreux put hisarm around her and led her out of the maze, with Terro running awayand coming back to them.
Monique hadfood and drink on a wide table on a stone patio. “Please come andhave something while we wait for Eonic.”
Andreux held achair for Jane, and she kept a distance between herself and thetable. As soon as she settled, Terro climbed onto her lap, and shelooked at Monique. “May I have something?”
Terro looked ather. “Pweeze?”
Monique smiled.“Of course, little one.”
Jane broughtout some wet ones and cleaned her son’s hands and then her own. Sheoffered a clean wipe to Andreux, and he cleaned his hands with abemused expression.
“Trust me, thislittle dude is a disease vector and likes to feed adults.”
She began theprocedure of putting fruit in front of him and kept him busy whileshe got some tarts and broke them into pieces he could manage.
Monique smiledas she watched him eat and laughed when he pulled Jane’s mouth openand put some grapes inside. It started her meal.
One hour later,she was eating and watching Terro stuff food in Andreux’smouth.