Page 3 of Spirit Island

Jane spoke,“Because I had a flash heat, he had a flash rut, and my adaptationgot me to a comfortable place across the city as soon as it wasover. We were both travelling for work and hadn’t even exchangednames.”

Kekoa looked atSerin. “Oh. That would do it.”

Terro laughedand played with the kitties, and they were remarkably resilient tothe little human that was playing with them.

One of thekittens broke free and galloped over to Kekoa. Terro got up andfollowed.

Jane got up,Serin sat near one of the tables, and Jane sat next to her. Thekitten and the toddler were playing tag around the king’s legs.

There wasgiggling, and Serin smirked at Kekoa’s enthralled expression.

“He’s so fast,”Kekoa wondered.

The housekeeperarrived with another woman carrying a second tray. Kekoa warilytimed it to step out of the chase circle and had a seat across thetable from the ladies.

Jane saidsoftly, “Terro, come and have breakfast. They got you abanana.”

He scrambled tohis mother and opened his mouth. She snorted and broke off a pieceof banana before breaking the rest into suitable pieces. She fedhim the first piece and then said, “Now, feed yourself.”

There wasoatmeal and fruit and eggs. Jane got herself some food while Serinwatched, but then, the funniest thing happened. Terro started tofeed his mom chunks of banana.

Kekoa laughedat Jane’s expression. “He has no concept of pacing.”

Serin smiled.“He did this yesterday with shredded pork. Jane wore more than gotin her mouth.”

Jane chuckledand turned the tables with the food, getting some of the oatmealinto Terro’s mouth.

Serin ate, andKekoa stared at the toddler. “I had forgotten what they looked likeat that age.”

“I am sorryabout the situation, and I am ready to get things back on track sothe island can flourish again. Several of my friends are carrying,and I need to get them to term.”

“You don’t haveto beat them there?”

“To delivery?No. I just need to find a mate. A good mate. A trustworthy mate.Has anyone seen Ulo?”

“No. We havestarted looking. The island doesn’t feel him on it.”

Serin liftedher head. “He’s here.”


“In the junglenear the town. I think he is heading for my new house. He feels oddthough.”

“Odd, how?”

“I don’t know.He’s like a moving tree.”

“Do you want togo speak to him?”

Serin sighed.“I think we should have it out.”

“I canentertain your friend and her child. The others will be downsoon.”

Serin grinned.“I can take a hint. I will return when this is done.”

She grabbed ahandful of fruit and nodded to Jane. “I will be nearby if you needme.”

“Same here.”She would have spoken more, but a little hand was stuffed into hermouth.