Page 23 of Spirit Island

Deno paused.“You fought?”

“She was in oneof the orca boats. They had their engine running in the strait, soI attacked them, and this huge woman made of ocean water grabbed meand wrestled me.”

Deno smiled.“That sounds like her. Huge or not. Wait, how big was she?”

Xo shrugged.“From her hips up was about a hundred feet.”


Serin smiled.“That is what I expected. She’s destined for greatness or, atleast, tallness.”

Xo chuckled.“There was a shark and other fish swimming inside her.”

Serin nodded.“I hope I can see that one day.”

Xo nodded andstood up. “I will follow her at a distance. If she needs help, Iwill offer it.”

Serin smiled.“Sound plan.”

Deno looked atXo. “Don’t tell her she is being unreasonable. If you want tofreeze her in her tracks, tell her that she needs ice cream. Then,dodge the fist coming at you.”

Serin smiled.“I am hoping that is an in-joke.”

Deno shrugged.“He will find out.”

Serin sighed.“She left from the ferry dock.”

Xo nodded. “Iwill be right behind her.”

He grabbed afew pastries and got to his feet. “I will make this right.”

Serin looked athim. “I wish you luck. When my mate rejected me, the islandsgranted me another. He just brought me pastries. The island willgive her another if necessary.”

“It isn’tnecessary.” He growled and nodded. “Thank you for the information.”Xo glanced at Deno. “Brother.”

Deno jolted asif struck. Serin smiled as Xo left her home, and she was alone withher mate. “Do you think he will manage it?”

“I think she iseasy to placate. She always has been.” Deno moved next to Serin andpulled her onto his lap. “Now, we need to figure out what to do forher birthday on Friday.”


“Yeah. Mine isSaturday.”

“Oh, dear. Xois never going to make it.” Serin picked up her phone and sent amessage to Kekoa to send to Xo.

“Why do you saythat?” Deno grinned, knowing full well why.

“Because yoursister holds a grudge and learns from her mistakes. She talks aboutit every time someone mentions her work as a stuntwoman.”

Deno shrugged.“He broke it, he fixes it, and if he misses her birthday, it’s hisfault. He said she prostituted herself for show footage. That isn’tsomething I should have let pass.”

“It is theirissue to discuss. But on the plus side, you know that they aregoing to have a lot to talk about.” Serin sighed and tried not toworry about Belle and the blank feeling in Deno’s soul where hissister’s connection was.

* * * *

The waves were gettingrough, but she could see the strait and angled the tiller towardit. She worked the sheet, and the catamaran shot forward into theshelter of the high walls of the strait.

She got hersail up again, and the vessel bucked forward. When she was in astraightaway, she checked the forecast and groaned. She passed thesteps to Xo’s and continued on for twenty minutes before it wasnecessary to get her vessel to safety. She found a shallow beachwith some protective stone and got out, hauling her vessel onto thesafe sandy ledge, sail down and cameras off.