Page 2 of Spirit Island

“Inevertravel without diapers,” Jane murmured as she settled with her sondraped over her. “I will have to get some for him in themorning.”

“We will takecare of your boy.”

“Good. Hisbabysitter freaked a little when I called her and told her I wasbringing him to the islands without a travel visa.” She smiled. “Ifthey deport him, I go with him.”

“Your partnerwon’t like that.”

“He isn’t mypartner. He was my breeder. Now, we have a son. So, that issomething that needs to be discussed.” Jane yawned and ended upwith a toddler hand in her mouth. She sighed and pulled it down.“This is going to be fun.”

Serin laughed,and they settled down to sleep.

A small fingerpoked her nose, and when Serin opened her eyes, a bright smile in ababy-toothed mouth was close to her. “Oh, morning, Terro.”

“Yay!” He stoodand waddled off to his mom. “Mama!”

Jane sat up andpushed her hair out of her face. “Hey, baby. Are you an earlyriser?”

He crawled ontoher lap and hugged her. “Food, Mama.”

“Oh, right. Weneed to feed you. I forgot that I need to feed you every day.” Janetickled him, and he shrieked and giggled.

Serin contactedthe palace and asked a question. “I have a guest. Can I bring herfor breakfast? Oh, and her son.”

The husky voiceon the other end said, “Of course. We will be downshortly.”

Serin grinnedas she hung up.

Jane snappedher fingers, and they were all dressed in island casual.

They walked outand down the path, which showed a lot of activity. Jane held herson’s hand, and he grabbed Serin’s as they walked toward thepalace. Serin’s heart melted at the feeling of those little fingerscurled against hers.

The palace’smain room was open to the breezes, and the housekeeper came forwardand gasped at the sight of Terro.

There were twopanther kittens wrestling in a corner, and Terro let out an excited“Oooohhh” as he let go of the adults and ran for the kittycats.

Serin watchedJane flex her shoulders as she muttered, “Game on.”

Terro moved tothe kittens, and he crouched near them. The kittens untangled, andJane went over to supervise.

Serin looked atKekoa as he came downstairs and spoke to the housekeeper. The womantore her gaze away from the toddler and headed into thekitchen.

Kekoa smiled.“Morning, Serin. You look happy.”

“It is verygood to be home. I went to a bonding ceremony last night, and thecelebration was such a wonderful experience.”

There was achild’s giggle from the corner, and Serin turned and saw Janesitting with Terro on her lap, and the adolescent kittens weretrying to get on as well.

Kekoa blinked.“He’s a toddler.”

Serin smiled.“He is. He was born in the city.”

Jane looked up.“This is Terro. Terro, this is King Kekoa.”

Terro looked upand stared at the tall alpha. Kekoa looked at his face and said,“His eye marks...”

Serin smiled.“They met his father last night. He came to the party atLigo’s.”

“How did shenot know who he was?” Kekoa murmured.