Applause erupted throughout the ballroom. Chaos clapped along with the rest, but his eyes never left Olive as she made her way from the stage, pausing to shake hands and exchange pleasantries with various guests.
“Well,” Baxter’s voice came from beside him, startling Chaos out of his reverie. “I’d ask if you enjoyed the speech, but I’m pretty sure you didn’t hear a word of it. Too busy staring at the speaker, I’d wager.”
“She’s... impressive,” he said, trying to keep his tone neutral.
Baxter snorted. “Impressive? Boss, I’ve seen you less impressed by multi-billion dollar merger deals. Just admit it - you’re smitten.”
Before Chaos could formulate a response, the opening notes of a slow, romantic melody filled the air. Couples began to make their way to the dance floor, and Chaos saw his opportunity.
“If you’ll excuse me,” he said to Baxter, straightening his tie, “I have a dance to secure.”
The rest of the evening passed in a blur for Chaos. He shook hands, made small talk, and discussed potential business partnerships, all while his mind kept drifting back to Olive. Every so often, he’d catch a glimpse of her across the room - her golden dress shimmering under the lights, her laugh ringing out above the crowd - and his heart would skip a beat.
By the time the event began to wind down, Chaos was practically vibrating with restless energy. He made his excuses to the last few lingering guests and practically dragged Baxter out to their waiting car.
“Well,” Baxter said as they slid into the backseat, a knowing grin on his face, “I’d say that was a successful evening, wouldn’t you?”
Chaos grunted noncommittally, but he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. “It was... interesting,” he conceded.
Baxter laughed. “Interesting? Boss, I’ve known you for years, and I’ve never seen you so captivated by anyone. That Olive Russo really did a number on you, didn’t she?”
Chaos turned to look out the window, watching the glittering lights of New York City flash by. “She’s... different,” he said softly. “There’s something about her, Bax. I can’t explain it.”
“You don’t have to,” Baxter replied, his tone turning serious. “I saw it. Hell, everyone in that ballroom saw it. The way you two looked at each other... it was like watching fireworks go off.”
Chaos rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. “My lion... it recognized her instantly. As soon as I laid eyes on her, it was like everything else faded away. All I could see was her.”
Baxter’s eyebrows shot up. “Wow. That’s... intense. You think she might be your mate?”
“I don’t know,” Chaos admitted. “I’ve never felt anything like this. It’s exhilarating and terrifying all at once.”
They rode in silence for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts. As they pulled up to Chaos’s penthouse, Baxter spoke up again.
“You know, this might be exactly what Gerri Wilder was talking about. Remember why we came to New York in the first place?”
Chaos nodded slowly. The matchmaker. In all the excitement of meeting Olive, he’d almost forgotten about Gerri Wilder telling him it was in his best interest to attend the event.
“You should call her,” Baxter suggested. “Thank her for insisting you attend the event. And maybe... ask her about Olive.”
Chaos considered this as they rode the elevator up to his penthouse. By the time they reached his floor, he’d made up his mind.
“You’re right,” he said to Baxter as they stepped out. “I’ll give her a call now. Thanks, Bax. You’re a great friend.”
Baxter clapped him on the shoulder. “Anytime, bro. That’s what friends are for. Now go call your magical matchmaker and see what she has to say about your golden girl.”
With a final grin, Baxter headed off to the guest room, leaving Chaos alone in the spacious living area. He pulled out his phone, scrolling through his contacts until he found Gerri Wilder’s number.
Taking a deep breath, he hitcall.
The phone rang twice before Gerri’s warm, slightly husky voice answered. “Well, well, if it isn’t the lion of the ball. To what do I owe the pleasure of a late-night call, Mr. Amato?”
Chaos couldn’t help but smile at her teasing tone. “Good evening, Ms. Wilder. I hope I’m not calling too late.”
“Nonsense, dear. I’m a night owl, and I had a feeling I’d be hearing from you tonight. I take it you enjoyed the event?”
“I did,” Chaos replied, sinking into one of the plush armchairs by the window. “I wanted to thank you for insisting I attend. You were right – it was... enlightening.”