“I’ve been looking all over for you,” Tia chirped, air-kissing his cheek. “Vanessa and I were looking for you.”
Vanessa gave him a coy smile. “It’s so nice to see you again, Chaos.”
He nodded politely, but inwardly grimaced. As the newcomers settled into extra chairs a waiter hastily produced, Tia leaned forward eagerly. “Vanessa and I were just talking about that new club opening next week. You simply must join us, Chaos. It’ll be the event of the season.”
“I’m afraid I’ll have to pass,” Chaos replied smoothly. “I have plans that evening.”
Tia’s perfectly plucked brows drew together. “Plans? With who?”
“Olive,” their mother supplied helpfully. “The woman Chaos has been seeing.”
Tia’s expression soured. “Oh. Her.”
The disdain in her voice set Chaos’s teeth on edge.
“Yes, her,” he bit out. “Is there a problem?”
Tia sniffed. “Oh, nothing. It’s just...well, I did a little digging after you mentioned her. She’s not exactly our usual crowd, is she? I mean, a vlogger? Really, Chaos?”
White-hot anger surged through him. “And what exactly is wrong with that?” he growled, struggling to keep his tone even.
“Nothing, if you don’t mind being seen with someone so...common,” Tia replied airily. “I just think you could do better. Someone more suited to our lifestyle.”
Chaos’s hands clenched into fists under the table. His lion roared, furious at the slight against their chosen mate. It took every ounce of his control not to shift right there in the restaurant.
“Olive is accomplished, intelligent, and kind,” he ground out. “She runs a major charitable foundation and has built a successful brand entirely on her own merit. I’d say that makes her more than suitable.”
To his surprise, his mother spoke. “I agree. From what Chaos has told us, Olive sounds like a remarkable young woman. I look forward to meeting her.”
Tia gaped at their mom, clearly not expecting the support. “But, Mother-”
“That’s enough, Tia,” Marco cut in, his tone brooking no argument. “Your brother’s personal life is none of your concern. Olive deserves a chance, and Chaos deserves to pursue his own happiness.”
Chaos felt a rush of gratitude toward his father. It wasn’t often that Marco took such a firm stance, especially against Tia.
Isabella nodded in agreement. “Your father’s right, dear. I think it’s time you stopped meddling in your brother’s affairs. And perhaps focused a bit less on judging others.”
Tia’s face flushed an ugly red, but she pressed her lips together and said nothing more. Chaos could practically see the steam coming out her ears.
As the tension at the table slowly dissipated, Chaos found his thoughts drifting back to Olive. He pictured her warm smile, theway her eyes lit up when she talked about books. A sense of calm washed over him.
The rest of lunch passed in a blur of small talk and pointed glares from Tia. As soon as was polite, Chaos made his excuses and left, desperate for some fresh air.
He found himself wandering through Central Park, the autumn breeze rustling the trees. His mind kept circling back to Olive and the way she made him feel. It wasn’t just attraction, though there was certainly plenty of that. She challenged him, made him laugh, and saw past the CEO facade to the man underneath.
For the first time in a long time, Chaos felt...seen. Understood. It both thrilled and terrified him.
As he strolled past the Bethesda Fountain, an idea began to form. He wanted - needed - to share more of himself with Olive. To let her see the parts of his life he usually kept hidden.
Before he could second-guess himself, Chaos pulled out his phone and fired off a text:
How would you like a behind-the-scenes tour of AmTech? I’d love to show you what I’ve been working on.
Her response came almost instantly:
Are you kidding? I’d love to! When?
Chaos grinned, already mentally rearranging his schedule.