Page 27 of Rebel Hawke

And for the first time in what feels like fucking forever, it hasnothingto do with how I completely failed in the gym today or the way Jimmy looked at me like he knewwhyI was taking it light and barely using any of my power on the bag.

I can’t even enjoynotthinking about that because the trouble I’ve found myself in haseverythingto do with the fact that I’ve lain awake all night,obsessingabout Wren and the time we spent together working on the studio all afternoon.

Every single second, each minute detail is seared into my brain with shocking clarity.

The way she somehow still smelled like almonds and cherries, even after working all day…

How soft her thick, dark hair was as it brushed against my cheek…

How warm and soft her body was pressed to mine…

How every brush of her skin set mine on fucking fire…

And it still burns hours later.

I’ve tried to fight it, done all I can think of to stop myself from thinking about her because getting involved right now would be an epically bad idea.

Not just because she’s Jimmy’s granddaughter.

Duringanytraining camp, I need to be completely focused on the upcoming fight. Single-minded about ensuring I dominate. Winning is literally my one job. The only thing I’m good at or that’s felt right for as long as I can remember. And it’s the single way I can actually make the family proud of me.

All of that is especially true with this one.

The Hawke Hotel is our future.

Our legacy.

And that opening relies on this title fight to be the main event, the big draw—besides the opulent rooms and stunning casino floor.

If I’m not ready, if I can’t perform and be at one hundred percent, it will not only be an epic embarrassment for me but for the entire Hawke name.

So, the last thing I should be obsessing about is how badly I want Wren, about how good it will feel to hold her in my arms and sink into her wet heat, but my hard cock doesn’t seem to want to agree.

And I can’t bear the ache anymore.

I throw off the covers and pad into the bathroom naked, then turn on the shower as cold as it will go. Maybe it will shock me from this mental loop of picturing her bent over every goddamn surface of my condo, and the gym, and her fucking studio…

There was always something about Wren that drew me to her, but now it’s so much more than that. Some bone-deep need, like she can provide exactly what’s been missing in my life.

I step under the spray and suck in a sharp breath as the icy-cold water pelts my skin, sending a shiver through me. Butit doesn’t do anything to chill the searing need, quell the deep ache, or ease the need and desire that keeps me hard as granite.

Only one thing will.

I take my hard cock in my hand and stroke it slowly, groaning at the pleasure that ripples through me instantly at the contact.

Imagining it’s her small, soft hand wrapped around my shaft…

That I’m pressed up against her, devouring that luscious mouth of hers, tasting her everywhere, making her come on my mouth and my hands, on my dick…

Watching her take her pleasure…

Relishing in the way she unravels…

Drowning in the woman who has me all wrapped up in her without even trying…

All the things I absolutely shouldnotbe picturing, should not bewanting,are the very ones making me stroke viciously, twisting my wrist to rub my palm against that spot at the base of the head that’s sure to make me come hard and fast.

The chilly water cascades over me, and I drop my head forward, letting it sting the back of my neck and shoulders as I press my left hand against the tile to keep myself upright.