Tightening my grip on her, I tug her to my chest even as my cock grows under her thigh, not getting on board with what my head is telling me. “You don’t mean that, Little Bird. You’re just upset.”
Rightfully so.
That monster has inserted himself into our lives and made threats with a fake smile for far too long.
And bringing Wren into it, targeting her when he knows she’s new to all of this and likely the most vulnerable of us, only shows what a devious, soulless motherfucker he really is.
“No.” Wren shakes her head, and a strand of her thick, dark hair falls from the pretty updo, drifting over her cheek. “I mean, I am, but…” She glances around us, ensuring no one is close enough to hear whatever she’s about to say. “I’m completely serious, Atlas. It’s what I want, what Ineedright now. You.Us.”
She’s obviously been shaken by her confrontation with Satriano, and we desperately need to talk about it. Go over everything he said to her in minute detail and try to unravel his dastardly purpose in coming here. But after she says those words, all I can think about is how badly I’ve wanted her again. How torturous it’s been to feel her come on my fingers, against my mouth, and not experience her cunt contracting around my cock.
All I can fantasize about is how badly I want to make love to her again.
That selfish piece of me screams to “go for it,” while the part of my brain that wants me to be a gentleman and protect her from making a decision and doing something she’ll regret later says “no.”
“Atlas…” Wren waits for me to focus on her again. “Whatever you’re thinking—don’t.”
Damn woman. Isn’t that what I said to her that first day we spent together?
She was overthinking everything, spinning out in her own head instead of just feeling and doing what we both wanted.
And now she’s asking me for one thing.
Something I’m more than willing to give her.
I wrap the stray strand of her hair around my finger and tug it lightly. “I’m taking you home.”
She shakes her head, shifting on my lap, further pinning my hard cock under her thigh with clear intent to do just that. To make it painful and impossible to say no to whatever she’s going to ask. “No, I need younow.”
Bloody fucking hell.
People always talk about strange reactions to intense situations and what adrenaline can do to you, physically and mentally. I’ve been through plenty of them myself, and I can definitely sympathize. After a fight, as soon as I step out of the ring, I want nothing more than to fuck and feel that pleasure.
That’s what I see in her eyes now.
That same desire.
As if dancing with Satriano is no different than me dancing with an opponent inside that square box.
Different circumstances.
Different partners.
Same effect.
I can’t deny her what I know she needs.
Not even if my conscience objects.
I issue a low groan of surrender and climb to my feet, setting her gently onto hers. With her body pressed to my front, I reach between us and adjust my cock to try to cover my erection the best I can.
After hosting this event here for so many years, I know the building like the back of my hand, and there’s only one place we have any hope of remaining undiscovered. Because as much as fucking her publicly, bent over this table, makes my cock twitch and might even make her wet, I don’t want to share her with anyone right now.
I lead her away from the table and toward the stairs tucked at the rear of the event space that rise to the old choir loft from when this place was still a functioning church.