The next day, we're lounging in our cozy home above the tavern. Zoe and Thokk are over for dinner, and the conversation flows as easily as the fancy elven wine Kalen has brought out just for the occasion.

“Tell me you didn’t just about pass out when you first saw a little human standing there in your storeroom!” Thokk and Kalen are reliving their initial traumas.

“Oh gods, but I didn’t know what to think! I at least had the benefit of knowing all that you had been through. That must have been terrifying!”

“Umm boys? We’re right here. Helllooo,” Zoe says in her most put upon, bored voice.

They both instantly reign in their laughter and look suitably contrite. “Sorry Zoe, just doing some male bonding ... that is ... it was – Thokk gives Kalen an uncomfortable glance.

“’Terrifying?’ Yeah, we heard you.” She looks at him with a stern face before breaking into a smile and giving Thokk a big kiss.

“Just playing with you Thokky.

We all erupt into laughter. The wine truly is flowing freely.

"Hey," Zoe says suddenly, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Speaking of truly terrifying individuals, do you think Douchebag Dan misses us yet?"

I snort into my drink. "God, I hope so. Can you imagine his face if he knew where we really were?"

“I keep fantasizing about us all paying him a visit.” Zoe smiles ear to ear.

As we laugh, I feel a soft brush against my leg. I look down to see Othrix and Mary Poppins curled up together, purring contentedly.

"Aww," I coo, reaching down to scratch behind Mary Poppins' ears. "They make quite the pair, don't they?"

“The Slayer of Tiny Beasts does indeed seem content.” Kalen lifts Thokk’s cat up into his lap to give him a good scratching under the chin.

But as I pet the calico, a pang of worry hits me. "I really hope Mia is okay.”

Zoe reaches over, squeezing my hand. "I'm sure she's fine. And I bet she’s still back home. If she were here, we would have run into her already. Though I wish we could tell her that her kitty is okay..."

I nod, trying to push away the nagging feeling. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sure everything's fine."

As the evening wears on, filled with laughter and stories, it’s hard to really believe I have only just arrived. I can’t even imagine all that lies in store for us.

Kalen catches my eye from across the room, and I feel that now-familiar flutter in my chest. He winks, and I have to bite back a grin.

Yeah, I think to myself. I’ve got my big minotaur, and a whole town full of fantastical history to learn about, not to mention my friend Zoe, and her Orc mate. It couldn’t be any more perfect, and I realize I really truly have never been happier.


I blink rapidly, trying to adjust to the darkness. "Olivia?" My voice echoes in the empty space. "Did you turn out the lights? What was that? Olivia? Where are you?"


Where ever I am smells of damp earth.

That is never a good sign.

I reach out my hand and it lands on smooth, cool stone.

And, hey, where’s my bracelet?

Okay, Mia, don't freak out. You've been in weirder situations. Remember that time at Burning Man?

At least I'm not covered in body paint and glitter this time ...

Yeah, thatwaschallenging.