"Oh my god, I have so much to tell you ..." Olivia says, turning to Zoe. "You won't believe this, but I ... gosh I don’t know where to start, but I came here, to Fablewood, but then I went back ...”
“You went back? How?”
“Later, later. Truth is, I have no idea, but when I went back I saw Mia!”
“Mia? My Mia?”
“Yes, and even crazier ... I was helping her try to find her cat ... when we got pulled here...!
Zoe's eyes widen. "What? Mia's here too?"
“I got pulled here ...”
Before Olivia can say more, the tavern door swings open with a bang.
Gods, the tavern sure is popular today.
Elder Faelar is the latest to arrive. He strides in, his eyes narrowing as they land on Olivia.
"What's the meaning of this?" he demands. "Anotherhuman?"
I step forward, ready to defend my mate, but Olivia surprises me.
"Excuse me," she says, her voice steady as she addresses the intimidating elf. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Olivia Reed, historian and... well, Kalen's mate." She extends her hand, and I have to bite back a grin at the mix of shock and curiosity on the elder's face.
"A historian, you say?" His eyebrows shoot up as he reluctantly shakes her hand. "Interesting. And how exactly did you come to be here, Ms. Reed?"
As Olivia launches into a detailed description of her adventure, her eyes light up with enthusiasm. I can't help but feel a swell of pride as I see this side of her. The elder seems totally captivated as she outlines the little she knows about exactly how she got here, as well as the few clues we have uncovered that could lead to a better understanding.
“Chalice? Wait what? You mean you didn’t go down in the sub-basement? The archway?” Zoe is staring at her. Apparently, they have arrived by different means. Interesting indeed.
“No, what archway?” Olivia is wide-eyed as the two compare notes, apparently on where they travelled to Fablewood from. But before they can say more, Elder Faelar interjects again.
"Fascinating," he murmurs. "You know, Olivia, you two are not the first. There are stories ... legends really, passed down through generations. About the woman who once bridged our worlds - Charlotte."
"Charlotte?" Olivia exclaims.
"Yup, My great-aunt! But really, I didn’t know there were stories Elder Faelar!”
“Holy shit this is crazier and crazier...” My Olivia sitsdown, apparently because her legs are going weak with all of these revelations.
“’Holy shit’ indeed. Our town is just digesting the first human, sorry, you Zoe. And now there are two of you.” Elder Faelar looks from one to the other. You seem intelligent enough ...” I notice them both glare at him a little at that comment, but they say nothing, perhaps sensing just how jarring their appearance here has been. Faelar continues. “But I just hope the town can handle two of you. Though it seems it is the will of the ancients ... so it is up to fate ... as are all things of course.”
Zoe comes over and takes Olivia’s hand. “You’re not gonna believe this.”
Before I know it, we're all traipsing out to the town square to see the statue of Charlotte and her orc companion. Olivia's practically vibrating with excitement, and I can't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm.
“And that’s not even the most exciting part. Come look at this.”
Zoe leads us to the site where she found the murals with Thokk. They have expanded the entrance so that all may enter. I can even fit without turning my horns sideways.
"Oh my god, Kalen, look!" she gasps, pointing at the new murals Zoe has apparently revealed in just the few days before they went away. "The seal again - it's everywhere!"
I watch as Olivia's eyes light up, her historian brain practically smoking as she takes in this latest revelation. It's adorable, really. But her enthusiasm is also kind of contagious. I'm am starting to get kind of excited myself by the possibilities of just what these dusty old wall paintings could reveal.
"Look at this!" she exclaims, pointing at a section of the wall. "These figures - they're wearing ceremonial robes maybe? And look, there are more humans and monsters together!"