If I give in to every urge with her, my business will surely fail. We were already up half the night as it is.
Plus, truth is, I am a little sore.
Gods, but how did this tiny human manage to upend my entire world in less than a week?
Practically less than a weekend!
"Morning, handsome," Olivia murmurs, stretching like a contented cat.
I can't help but grin. "Morning, my beautiful little cow. Sleep well?"
She bolts upright.
Uh oh.
“Okay, I can see we are gonna have to work on the language. Ixnay with the owcay”
“NoC word, okay?”
“What, my love, you are the most beautiful pink fleshed soft little c-“
“Ahh that one ... That’s a hard ‘nope’ ...”
“You are beautiful, perfect, delicate and sweet ...all in one, but if you wish I will forgo the use of that particular word if I must...”
“Okay, keep digging your way out ... but that’s better. And, unless I am mistaken, I am the only human you have really ever seen up close! Maybe you saw the leashed one kinda close I imagine?”
“Yes, I have stood in the same room with her, and you are by the far the fairest, the sexiest ...”
She nods, snuggling closer. "Okay good, and to answer your question I think that was the best night of sleep of my life. You sure know what you’re doing with that claiming thing. I mean, holy shit but was that good. You sure it’s your first time.”
“Absolutely.” I lean down to kiss her on the back of her head.
“And I adore this little “Bee in my heart” tattoo thing!”
“Your Mark of Claiming.”
“Yes,that. In fact, it is my best evidence that all of this is not just some elaborate dream. Though I suppose I could dream that too ...”
I chuckle, running a hand through her tussled reddish-brown hair. "I know just how you feel, sweetheart. But if it’s not real then we are dreaming the same dream, which works just as well for me."
As we lay there, trading soft kisses and gentle touches, I'm struck again by just how right this feels.
Finally, I get what all the fuss is about with fated mates.
But as much as I'd love to stay in this bubble forever, I know we can't hide away much longer.
"So," I say, propping myself up on one elbow. "I want to introduce you to the gang. Properly, I mean. No disguises this time."
Olivia turns and looks back at me, eyes widening slightly, a mix of excitement and anxiety flickering across her face. "Really? Are you sure that's ... safe?"
“Oh, nowyou’rethe one worried about safety?”
“Just good analysis of a situation to examine it from all sides.”
I nod, trying to project more confidence than I feel. "Yes, it's time. You're my mate, and I want everyone to know it. Besides, after everything that's happened with Thokk andhismate, the town's been ... well, let's just say they're a little more open-minded these days. That’s what I am banking on at any rate. Plus, they should be back today, I think. Strength in numbers."