“It’s all a rather long story.”
“I bet.”
“How are you? What are you doing out here anyhow?” I just want to change the subject – off of me.
Mia's smile falters for a moment before she catches herself. "Not exactly as super awesome as I’d like. My cat's been missing for almost a week now. I thought she’d come home on her own, but so far nothing. So now I’m putting up posters everywhere I can think of ..." She trails off, biting her lip.
"Oh," I say, feeling a twinge of guilt for being so focused on my own problems, though they are sort of significant, objectively speaking I believe. "I'm sorry to hear that. That must be really tough."
Mia nods, her cheerful facade cracking slightly. "Yeah, it's ... it's been a bit rough. Mary Poppins is my little fur-baby, ya know? I'm really starting to kinda worry."
"Mary Poppins?" I laugh, momentarily distracted from my own misery.
A genuine smile flickers across Mia's face. "Or Poppy. Poppy cat. Superpoppilicious ... She’s kinda magical I think ... so.”
I guess so...
“Plus, I think that movie’s totally rad. Have you seen it?" Even though she is obviously affected by her missing pet, Mia is energetic as always.
If only I were so resilient.
“I will have to put it on my list.” I try to sound upbeat.
“Hey can I help you put up some posters if you want? It’s the least I can do.“ I quickly add.
“Really? You’re sure it’s not too much trouble?”
"No, it's fine," I say, surprising myself. "I’m just walking home to an empty apartment. I’d be happy for the distraction for a bit. Believe me.”
Boy, do I need a distraction.
Mia's face lights up with a genuine smile this time. "Oh, thank you so much, Olivia. That’s so sweet of you! I see why Zoe likes you so much.
She does?
I feel a warmth spread in my chest, despite the events of the evening.
As we start walking, Mia hands me a small stack of posters. I glance down at the picture of a fluffy calico cat with bright green eyes. "She's beautiful," I murmur.
"Isn't she?" Mia says proudly. "I just hope she's okay."
“I bet she turns up,” I say trying to be encouraging.
"Hey speaking of Zoe," Mia says casually as we round a corner, "and I guess speaking of both friends and pets that are M.I. A., still no word, right? Are we still going with the tropical cruise theory?”
I freeze, my heart suddenly racing. Zoe. In all the chaos, I'd almost forgotten about her absence ... which has been starting to look more like a disappearance. Suddenly, a crazy thought hits me – the human Kalen mentioned ... the one on the leash ... what if ...?
No. That’s ridiculous. Besides, Zoe would never put up with a leash ... would she?
"Olivia?" Mia's voice snaps me back to reality. "You okay? Helllooo."
I shake my head, trying to clear it. "Sorry, I just ... no, I haven't heard from her. But I'm sure she's fine. Probably just... taking some time for herself, you know? Our boss was a real prick to her that day."
Mia nods, but she doesn't look convinced. "You mean Douchebag Dan? Yeah, maybe ...”
Before I can respond, a blur of movement catches my eye. "Mia, look!" I point to a nearby bush where I swear, I just saw a flash of calico fur disappear.
"Oh my god, Mary Poppins?" Mia's voice is full of excitement and hope as she rushes forward.