"Impossible," Kalen says, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "They're going to love you. And if anyone gives you trouble, well ..." He flexes his impressive biceps, and I can't help but giggle.
"My hero," I tease, but warmth spreads through my chest. He really would fight the whole town for me, wouldn't he?
“And hey, if you get nervous just look down at this, okay babe?” He gently caresses my claiming mark.
“Right. ‘Bee in my heart.’”
We head downstairs to set up the tavern, and I'm struck by how natural it feels. Like I've been doing this my whole life instead of, you know, cataloging jewelry dusty and whatever else in a museum basement.
As we're arranging chairs, I catch Kalen watching me with a soft smile. "What?" I ask, suddenly self-conscious.
"Nothing," he says, shaking his head. "Just ... I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t returned.”
“You would have come after me.”
“Well yes ... but you know what I mean.”
“Of course I do. I’m just teasing. I don’t know what I would have done either. Fortunately, it’s pretty clear fate wants us together.” I give him a soft kiss on the cheek.
The first guests start arriving, and I have to remind myself to breathe.
A little gnome who looks awfully excited, is among the first through the doors.
“Ah Fiddle, excellent! Just grab any table you’d like for your group!” Kalen points to one of the many tables set up for gaming night.
Soon after Koda and his son Whisper, Finn, and Nox arrive as well. They all greet me warmly. Even Elder Faelar shows up, looking both curious and slightly uncomfortable.
"So," the elf says, eyeing the collection of dice and Kalen’s Cubicle Master set up, "this is a... human pastime?"
I nod enthusiastically. "Well sort of, I mean not really, we play a ... different version ... and by “we” I mean mostly nerds - but that’s changing. Or maybe it’s changed. I don’t know. I think nerds are cool now.”
He nods and smiles, but it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t have the faintest idea what I’m talking about.
“Anyhow, seems you monst- can I call you that in polite company?” I continue without waiting for an answer. Sorry I’m nervous. So, you’re here to play Cubicles and Chihuahuas?”
“Yes. I thought it would be good to perhaps spend some time learning more about human ways.”
“Well, this is not actually a human pastime. It’s not like the games we play at all, so really, it’s a first time for me to. From what I understand, it’s all about imagining being in a post-apocalyptic human world and trying to survive and thrive in it – as a human of course. You can play as an ex-accountant, or teacher, or a scientist ... I think there are many classes to choose from. The idea is to raid cubicles for treasure, like coffee makers and cell phones and such, and then take them back to build up your suburban enclave. Or something like that. Kalen only explained a little."
Faelar's brow furrows. "Fascinating. And humans find this ... entertaining?"
"Oh yes," I say, warming up to his interest in the topic. "Our version of it at least. It’s a little different. A lot different actually. It's a way to live out a fantasy, and to use your imagination. Also, it’s just fun.”
As more monsters file in, I notice Kalen greeting everyone with his usual charm. But it’s maybe a shade less, I don’t know ... slick? More genuine? Not that he was evernotgenuine. He just seems more ... what’s the word? Comfortable?
Weird thing to say about a minotaur.But yes.
Finally, everyone's seated in groups at tables across the floor, and Kalen clears his throat. "Alright, folks! Welcome to our first-ever Cubicles and Chihuahuas night at The Bullhorn. Now, picture this: the human world, centuries from now. Civilization as we know it has crumbled. You're all playing humans trying to survive and rebuild in this wasteland. Some of you were oncebusiness-menor maybe you were ahouse-wife!"He says it as if he is talking about some mystical themes.
If only they knew.
I can’t help but giggle a little as I watch as the monsters lean in, fascinated. Even Faelar looks intrigued.
"Your goal," Kalen continues, "is to scavenge for resources, build alliances, perhaps restart a human business. Who knows? Maybe you'll even succeed in finding a way to create coffee again ... the key to rebuilding human society! Good luck!"