“I have no intention of dimming her shine because of a misstep.” Although I can’t say that getting Caroline pregnant was really a misstep at all. Feels almost like a cosmic promise that was supposed to seal us together.

Gram holds her hand out to me. Fingers straight, palm flat. A handshake. A businesswoman to her core.

I take her hand. But instead of a business transaction, she holds it and looks into my eyes. “You’re the father of my first grandchild, Mr. Simmons. Don’t you forget it.”

“I promise. I won’t.”

Not for a second.

Chapter 21


It’s the middle of the night when we get back to Gram’s. Jude, Chase, Jake, and me. Gram is being kept overnight for observation but should be released in the morning if she’s still doing well.

Though I’m exhausted, I’m also starving. I’m not even sure if I say it aloud, but the second we walk in the house, Jake jumps into action, ordering pizza which arrives, thankfully, before I pass out. To my delight and to my body’s relief, I’m able to keep the pizza down without any sort of nausea and everything inside me settles.

Gram is alive. She’s safe. I’m here with my brother and best friend. And a man who loves me. The father of my child.

A man I love and still am not sure how to tell him.

Eventually, it’s nearing two a.m. and the four of us are strewn around the living room at Gram’s. I know she’d be furious with us to see our feet up on the furniture. I giggle inside thinking about it.

Jude yawns. “I think I need to go to bed.”

Chase runs his hand through her red curls. “Sounds about right. Caroline?”

I am leaning back on Jake’s chest, my eyes half open. “Yeah, if I can manage to get up.”

“I should get out of your hair,” Jake mumbles.

I look up at him. “You have to go home?”

His mouth twists. “Well, I mean –”

“No, Jake, you’ll stay. I insist. You can stay with Caroline in her room,” Jude says.

Chase winces. “Jude.”

“Oh, relax, we already know they’veya know.”

My brother groans. “Do you have to remind me?”

Jude grabs his hand and pulls him off the couch. “After everything we’ve put her through, I think you can handle knowing your sister is sexually active.”

Now Chase and I both groan. Jude and Jake laugh. I can already tell they’re going to be a dynamic duo, teasing us Gladstones and pushing our buttons.

“Good night you guys,” Jude says with a glimmering smile.

Chase touches the top of my head as he passes us. “Rest, Caroline.”

I slide my cheek against Jake’s chest and sigh heavily. We stay there for a while, neither of us willing to move. “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to,” I whisper.


“If you wanted to go home? You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”

Jake puts his lips against my ear. “Do you want me to stay?”