“I can tell.”
She pauses. “Her opinions don’t matter to me outside of business, though. I want you to know that.”
It’s not the ideal thing I want to hear. Getting approval from her family is everything to me. At least when it’s at that point. I shouldn’t be rushing things. It’s hard not to though when things feel so perfect.
“I appreciate you coming all the way out here tonight,” I say, changing the subject.
“My pleasure. It’s not often a gal gets a whole barn to herself.”
I laugh, but it peters out softly. “The least I could do for you, Caroline.”
Her pretty brown eyes blink, lashes fluttering.
“I hope it’s not presumptuous, but…”
“Yes…?” her voice lilts in a way that causes blood to rush to my crotch.
“Well, those country roads are dangerous at night,” I say, harkening back to our first night together, the one when everything changed. “And I’d hate to send you into a dangerous situation when you could stay here instead.”
Caroline tilts her head to the side, a sly smile on her lips.
“You wouldn’t have to spend itwithme if you didn’t want to,” I backtrack. “My house is, well, it’s got a few bedrooms, I don’t –”
“Jacob Leslie?”
I stop, bite my lip, laughing. “I hate when you call me that.” Hate how much I love it.
Caroline leans across the table and gingerly kisses my cheek. “I would love to spend the night with you.”
Dad’s idea for me to convert the old hayloft into a house was a good one. On my eighteenth birthday, we started on the project. It took several years, but man was I grateful for it. Didn’t have to keep sneaking girls up to my room where the floor creaked and the bedframe rocked.
Now, my house is a quarter mile away from my brothers and mother and I don’t have to worry about anyone hearing what antics I might be up to.
First things first, I give Caroline a tour which ends right back into the main room with big windows where the doors used tobe, all the way to the ceiling, sending in light from the silvery moon.
I throw on some music on my old record player, my vinyl collection one of my proudest possessions, and then swing Caroline around the room in a dance. We trip over each other’s feet, laughing, swooning, and kissing, until we tumble back onto the couch, making out like kids in the backseat of a car.
I trap Caroline’s hair in my hand, working my mouth against hers as her hips wriggle against mine. But we’re in my home. Officially on a date.
We can go slower for once. I’m not in a rush to be inside. But I am in a rush to have her.
I pull my mouth away from hers. “Let me taste you.”
Caroline moves her hands up to her chest almost nervously. “Are you sure?”
“Of course, I’m sure,” I say with a half-smile. “Don’t tell me you’ve never had a guy do that for you?”
“No, they have I just…” Her eyes refuse to meet mine. “I just don’t think they’ve ever really liked it. They felt like they had to.”
“Oh, honey…” I say and kiss her softly. “Those fools aren’t men. They’re boys.”
Caroline sighs happily.
“I promise you…” I say, pressing a line of kisses down her neck. “I want nothing more than to have your sweet pussy in my mouth.”
“God, Jacob, what am I going to do with you?”
I laugh against her, continuing the line of kisses down her collarbone, releasing each button of her dress and pressing yet another kiss on her bare skin. “You don’t have to do anything, sugar,” I say against her belly, nuzzling the soft curve. “I’m going to do everything.”