And I assumed…

Way to be a privileged asshole, Caroline.

“My apologies once again, Pro –” Jake has to recalibrate his country manners. “Fig. And to all of my classmates as well. I’m Jake Simmons. I spent four years in the military before getting a Bachelor of Science in agriculture and animal sciences.”

“I can’t believe it,” Amy whispers.

“What? What?!” I ask urgently in a whisper.

Amy gapes at me. “Simmons. Don’t you know the name Simmons?”

I rack my brain. Simmons, Simmons, Simmons… where have I heard that name before? It’s not an uncommon name by any stretch of the imagination, but from the way Amy is talking about it –

It hits me like a bolt of lightning. “Like the tomato sauce?” I ask urgently.

Amy nods.

I can hardly believe it. Simmons Sauces. Spaghetti sauce that’s been a staple in my pantry since I was achild. Holy cow. I never realized they were a farming company, much less based in the South. I thought they were just in the business of sauces. Shows you what I know.

“I’ve recently taken over the family business and while I have the practical expertise, I’ve found myself lacking on the business side. And, let’s see… I’d be worried if y’all were taking a class taught by me,” Jake says with a modest shrug.

The room laughs and I want to disappear. I treated the heir to the Simmons Sauces brand like he was a maintenance man. Don’t get me wrong, I would never talk down to or speak badly about people who work in maintenance. That’s not the point.

It’s that I assumed. I saw his flannel and his multitool and I just…

I need to get out of the house more. I’ve clearly been suffocated by my privilege.

“I like your honesty. Thank you for your service, Mr. Simmons. Please, take a seat,” Fig says.

Jake Simmons awkwardly walks down the stairs, looking for an empty seat. And as he passes my row, our eyes lock. He gives me a small smile and nods. Like we know each other. Like I’m a joke. And I am.

Amy looks at me with wide eyes. “You know him?”

“Obviously not,” I say and I feel my whole body flush. I don’t know him likeshethinks I know him.

“Well, he certainly is acting like he knows you.” Amy smiles slyly, leaning her pen against her face. “Maybe he just likes what he sees.”

I feel my cheeks getting red again and I shift in my seat.

“I’m jealous. I mean, look at him.”

Amy and I both watch Jake as he settles into an empty seat two rows ahead of us. She’s right. He’s tall, clearly has lots of muscles hiding under that flannel, and blue eyes that made my insides melt from the first time I saw them.

But I know the truth. He wasn’t looking at me because helikesme.

He was looking at me because I was a total jerk.

“Yeah, he’s good-looking,” I whisper.

“You there! Blondie!”

I shoot to attention. Fig is pointing in my direction.

“Since you’re such a chatterbox, you’re next!”

“Yes ma’am! I mean, Fig.”

I see Jake’s shoulders bounce with a chuckle.