I bowed out of the program after the first year to focus on the arrival of our baby, a little girl, to our surprise considering how men seem to run in my family. I have an open-ended invitation to return when the timing is right.

Frankly, though, between booming business and watching Ava grow, I don’t know if I much care. I always wanted to fill my father’s shoes. And I thought his legacy would be Simmons Sauces. However, I have never felt closer to him than the moment I became a father, held my baby girl for the first time and felt a profound love spill through me. I’m working on transitioning to a smaller role, giving Brody the CEO position.

Family is everything to me.

Caroline finally returns to me, tucking herself into my side. I kiss her forehead as she fields questions and congratulations. Things haven’t always been easy for us. Welcoming a baby is no easy feat. Not to mention both running companies and balancing life in Georgia and South Carolina.

But since we reunited, I’ve never been scared of losing her. She’s my partner in crime. Mother of my child. The woman I adore.

And today’s the day I make it official. Little does Caroline know that in the pocket of my suit jacket (yes, I’m wearing a real gosh-darn suit for this occasion) is an engagement ring. She thinks we’re all heading back to the farm for a big party to celebrate her accomplishment. Which is true, we are. There’s just going to be something else that makes this day even more special.

If I don’t throw up from nerves before I get to ask.

“Everyone’s probably already there, Jake,” Caroline says, a slight huff of frustration in her voice.

I took the backroads to get home, insisting we stop along the way to pick up a few extra things for Ava and also pull into a drive-thru for a diet soda. I’m trying to kill time and get everyone to the farm before us so that they can all be there when I pop the question. “Relax, it’s your party. Doesn’t start until you arrive.”

Caroline looks at me with a soft smile. Before she can speak, Ava gurgles in the back. “Ava wants attention, hm? Been stuck in the car too long because Daddy needed a soda?”

“You got one too,” I tease, finally turning into the driveway.

Once we’re parked, Caroline collects Ava from the back seat. I nervously lean against the car tapping my foot.

“Sorry, am I not moving fast enough for you?” Caroline asks. “Mr. McDonald’s drive-thru...”

“Hm? No! I’m just.”

“I’m moving as fast as I can.”

I sigh, brushing my thumb against my forehead. “You’re moving plenty fast, Caroline.”

“Daddy is impatient,” she mutters to Ava who happily stretches her legs once lifted in the air. “Oh God, Jake, she needs a diaper change. Stinky…”

My shoulders lock up to my ears. “Well, why don’t we go say hi to everyone first and –”

“I’m not walking in there with my child wearing a dirty diaper,” she laughs. “Gram would disown me.”

The process drags out even longer as we trot over to our house on the property so Caroline can change Ava. I pace the floor, hands in my pockets, running through what I’ve planned to say in my head over and over. I can hear Caroline’s gentle cooing to our baby in the next room and my heart melts.

“Alright, we’re ready!” Caroline announces. Ava babbles in agreement.

I let out a big sigh, take them both into my arms, and kiss Caroline long enough that it makes Ava jealous, her little hand slapping against my cheek to get my attention.

“What was that for?” Caroline asks, face blushing, eyelashes fluttering.

I smile and take her hand. “Come on.”

When we arrive at the barn, it is eerily quiet. Caroline frowns. “All the cars are here. Where is everyone?”

I hold the door open for her.


“Go on in, honey.”

Caroline walks in, the silhouette of her with Ava on her hip framed by fairy lights adorning the rafters. She looks back over her shoulder with a strange smile. I can read her mind.This is like…

Exactly like our first date here at the farm, sans dinner table. The lights, the flowers, everything in place. Beyond the lit center of the barn, all of our loved ones gather tightly together, their smiles bursting at the seams.