From this vantage point, I get to watch his muscles ripple, and his forehead fold with concentration as he fucks me. I run my hands up his forearms, grab at his elbows and pull to guide him deeper as if that were even possible.
Jake’s head tips back, his breath ragged and shallow with each and every stroke. His hands grip my thighs so hard it’s like he’s trying to leave marks in clay. I reach back for something to grab onto, my hand landing against the headboard.
A fire is being stoked inside me with each press of him inside me. I don’t care how loud I’m being, don’t have any sort of self-awareness at this moment. All I can conceptualize is howhotit’s getting inside me.
The headboard knocks against the wall with the force of our fucking, adding a rhythm that only spurs us to move faster and harder.
“Jake –” I say desperately. “I can’t hold on.”
“Don’t.” He says, his voice gruff and demanding.
I have no choice but to yield to the animal inside him.
“Come for me, Caroline.”
My body grows taut like a rubber band being stretched, my head tipping back, body raising up, up, up, reaching for the pinnacle of pleasure until I have been pulled to the absolute limit. Then, I snap. I cry out, my body clenching around him as an orgasm as enormous and powerful as a natural disaster slams into me.
Jake’s eyes squeeze shut for a long moment before bursting open, a strained sound from his lips that’s almost like a word. I feel him pulsing inside me, releasing, letting it all go. It adds aftershocks to my pleasure, more warmth and loveliness than I know what to do with.
Jake leans down his head drooping like a wilting flower as he pants. I grab his shoulders and pull him into my arms. His mouth lands against my face like he’s about to say something, breath cascading across my skin as we both come down from the highest height.
Eventually, we’re laughing like two idiots. I don’t even know what the joke is, but I can’t help it. Our bellies both shake with laughter. Maybe due to how ridiculous this whole situation is. Knowing that we will always have this secret between us that one night in the first year of grad school, we tumbled into bed together. It’s a funny thought.
Also, a strangely heart-rending one. To know that when we return from Christmas break, we will both have this secret to share. No one else can ever know.
And we can never touch it.
Jake rolls off me, a lopsided smile on his mouth as he laughs. His hand lands against his sternum, catching his breath. I can’t help but admire his form, so strong and gorgeous. Delicious.
I turn onto my side, dipping my head onto his shoulder. Jake turns his face toward me and kisses my forehead.
He can’t do that if this is going to be a one-time thing.
His head snaps up abruptly, all afterglow seemingly washed away. “Shit, the condom –”
“What’s wrong, what’s –”
Jake curses, reaching between my legs. He pulls up the shriveled skin of the condom. “I’m sorry, it must have come off during –”
I roll my eyes. “It’s fine. It probably just slid off while you were pulling out.”
Jake eyes the well of the condom, the smear of his seed inside. I try not to look too hard.
“I’m not worried about it,” I say softly.
Jake eyes me, still not convinced he shouldn’t worry. I’ve had sex plenty of times, even with just the pull-out method and nothing has happened. I’m unconcerned.
“Jake…” I say softly in a voice I’ve built only for him. I stretch my body out and nudge him with my knee. “Just throw it out and come back to me.”
That gets him out of his head. He smiles, nodding in such a way that causes his hair to fall out of place. Quickly, he disposes of the condom in the bathroom and returns to my bed. We get under the covers, shuffling our legs together for warmth. I push myself into the broad expanse of his chest and nuzzle my nose against his collarbone. “Now, I’d say that’s the right way to celebrate a good presentation,” I murmur.
Jake laughs. I can feel it vibrating through his chest. “True, I can’t say I’ve ever slept with a co-worker.”
“Well, check it off your bucket list, I guess.”
We talk idly for a bit, neither of us able to hold onto being awake for too long. However, just before I fall asleep, I crack my eyes open to watch Jake’s repose. He’s perfect. And beautiful.
I know I should be grateful I got to have him just once. But I’m so sad he can’t be mine.