Page 84 of Hades

His smile fades and his features darken. “What are you doing here?”

Hermes’s question is gruff, my little Harper remark hit him right where I wanted it to.

“Last time I checked, you don’t run this place.”

Pyro is standing right next to me, so I take his hand and we are headed to find someone who might take my side in this war. And fast, if Hermes is here, no doubt he will run to Ares and tattle.

“Fuck, that douche is likely to run off and blab to Ares we are here. How is he everywhere so fast?” Pyro complains.

“Messenger of the Gods. That’s his perk.” I shrug. There isn’t a reason to be upset but the stakes are higher with the two of us here.

There are a few gods milling around, but none of which are fighters.

“Where is everyone hiding? Normally, this place is hopping and is wall-to-wall with people,” I complain, “Or at least the few times I’ve visited.”

“So much for a quick trip. This place is massive. We could cover more ground if we split up,” Pyro offers.

“Yeah, with Aphrodite here somewhere. I’m not letting you out of my sight,” I tell him.

“Aww, you scared she’s gonna try and steal me?” he jokes.

“Have you met her? It’s kinda her thing.” I shrug.

He pulls me to him and nuzzles in my neck before whispering in my ear, “You’re the only one for me.”

“I better be,” I jest.

I hate to pull away from him, but we have to get back to our mission.

“Come on, let’s get this over with. We both need some rest in case Ares does wait till dawn,” I remind Pyro.

“You’re no fun,” he smirks.

“Focus, there will be plenty of time for that after our victory.”

We make our way down a white-marble hall until we come to a door. This one is pink with hearts all over it. Are there cherubs singing?

“You said she was here. With Ares married to one of her lineage, she may be on our side.”

“She isn’t much of a fighter but she can turn more than a few heads,” I agree.

I raise my hand to knock when the door opens of its own accord.

A musical voice sing-songs “Come in.”

I swallow down the bile and take a few steps into a puke-pink room.

“Oh hello, Hades,” she smirks than tries to look around me. “And who is that with you?”

I swear she licks her lips as she asks.

“My mate, Pyro.” I say, returning a smile at her. “We are here…”

She raises a hand as if to quiet me. “Yes, yes. Ares, war, blood, mess. I know about it. Do you really think that I will help you? Ares loves me and that would be a betrayal if I sided with you.”

Pyro steps up beside me. “Even after he married a mortal in your bloodline?”

“For someone in the know, how is that you didn’t know that?” I ask.