“How so?”
““Phobos and Deimos are not just sons of Ares, but one is the personification of fear while the other is of terror. They love to play mind games. Enyo is the goddess of warand Ares’s twin sister. She isn’t as well known, as Ares is a spotlight hog. Those four by themselves will be a lot to handle. Can you and your brothers block mental attacks? I need to remember to ask Harper about her and her crew. I think if any of them can, it is Phoenix,” I tell Pyro.
“Why do you think that? And where are we heading? This is no longer the mortal realm.”
“Ares is not only a sadistic army general but he does the same to all his children. He trains them and beats them until they are perfect. Did you notice that Phoenix was rubbing his arm at the mention of his father? My guess is that he has a scar given to him by Ares under his sleeves. He didn’t want to dwell on them by looking at them, so he covered them up. And for your second question, Olympus. It is usually littered with gods and goddesses. The ones that don’t scurry away from me will be the ones we ask if they will aid us,” I reply, with a grim smile on my lips.
“They run from you? That is ridiculous.” Pyro huffs.
“We each have a part to play and I’m usually cast as the villain.” I shrug. “After all this time, there is no reason to fight it. Most that know the real me are aware that I’m really a softie with a temper.” I smirk,
“You keep talking about this temper but I have yet to see it. Does your hair explode into fire? What makes you so scary?”
I let out a laugh, “I think it’s my scythe really. I may tend to make it appear and swing it around a little.”
“You did handle it well when I saw you wielding it.”
Did Zeus add more stairs, just to torture me? Normally, I just pop in, but I’ve noticed Pyro’s face when I do that and he is a little green. I can’t take him to Olympus to find allies just for him to upchuckon them.
“Let me guess, your brother designed this staircase.” Pyro remarks.
“Yes, did all the little statues and portraits tip you off?” I ask, another smile tipping my lips.
“Did he really have to include the naked ones? It is a staircase from the Underworld to Olympus, how many people use it and does he really think his sister wants to see his tiny pecker on each landing?”
“Not many people use this, probably Seph and Lainie mostly. Trust me, Lainie has that same complaint. I told her to break them all off, made no difference to me. She did that and they were back the next time she used the stairs. Let’s just say, I don’t ask her to get much from Olympus anymore. It’s less of a headache for me to do it myself,” I say.
“How did Lainie come to be your servant?”
“She was a lost soul that was hard for me to place, she deserved more than the fields but she wasn’t a soldier. She was a teacher that gave her life to slay a dragon while protecting her children. She earned her place with the men but not even I could grant her that. So, as a loophole, I took her in and the rest is history.“
“So, she is selfless. How has she put up with you for so long?” he jokes.
Well, I know it’s a joke, because when I glance back at him there is a smile on his lips.
“Truth be told, I have no idea. It was a huge adjustment in the beginning for us both. There was a time that she resented me, but I told her that she was welcome to leave and join the souls in the meadow. I gave her a few days to think it over and she sat near barriers watching them mill around. That’s all she needed to realize that being my helper was the lesser evil.”
This time I was the one smiling.
“Is that why you have a soft spot for her?” he asks.
“What? Me? Soft? I am Hades. I. AM. NOT. SOFT.”
“If you say so my queen.” He winks as I turn to face him.
“You are just trying to push my buttons aren’t you?”
He smirks, “Maybe.”
Just as I go to reply, the one voice I don’t want to hear in Olympus calls my name.
“Hades, fancy meeting you here.”
It’s Hermes. Was I really this big of an idiot to think that he wouldn’t be here?
I nod, but push past him. Nope, he is an asshole, as are most gods. They believe that us women are the weaker ones, but we aren’t the ones with our brains under our belts.
“Harper sends her regards.” I mutter as I glance back at him, running a finger down my face to mimic the scar that marks his.