Page 74 of Hades

“Why not tell me as you change?”

“Fine,” I sigh, “my prat nephew is up to challenge me again. This time, he is going to attack me in the Underworld and try to take mythrone.”

“He really is thick. You didn’t kick his ass hard enough last time that he is coming back for more.”

In a flash, I don a black tank with some jean shorts. My blue skin is still on display as well as my two-toned hair up in a ponytail.

“There that is much more comfy. Will you make up the guest bed?”

“Bed?” she questions.

“Yes, it seems Harper has three men. I don’t think sleeping in separate rooms will fly if they are going to fight with me.”

“As you wish, I don’t know if we have another bed as big as yours to accommodate them.”

“Take War and Pyro to help. If need be, we will take the frames out and throw some mattresses together on the floor. Not ideal but we don’t get many guests that need such a big bed.”

“On it. Would you like me to throw some snacks together?” she asks as she pauses at the door.

“If you get the room in order, I can handle that,” I assure her.

Her laughter fills the empty hallway as she heads off on her task.

I pay no mind to her as I make my way to the kitchens. I am the ruler of the Underworld. I, surely, can throw something together. I mean how hard can it be?

When I enter the kitchens, Drevi is already there digging through cabinets and pulling items out.

"Hungry?" I ask.

He jumps a little and turns to face me. "I thought our guests might be hungry. They were teleported to the party and then here and we didn't offer them anything to eat."

He shrugs his shoulders as I make my way towards him.

"Who knew that Death was such a softie?" I ask, a smile tipping my lips.

He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his head in my neck.

"Only for you," he replies as he places a few kisses on my blue skin.

"Maybe we should go back topside and get what you call fast food? I am no cook and Lainie is getting a guest room fixed up for Harper and her men," I tell him.

"Who doesn't like a burger and fries?"

"It's settled, I'll send War and Pyro to help Lainie and we can be off. I think Frank would be the best to keep my niece and her mates company. He is a great listener."

"Hence that's why we had him run the bar."

"Come on, let's get going. We don't know when Ares will arrive and we have a battle plan to discuss."

As if Pyro and War hear me say their names, they enter the kitchen.

"Hogging her for yourself again, Drevi?" Pyro jokes.

"Any chance I can get," Drevi jokes as he raises his head from my neck with one last kiss. "Why are you two in the kitchen?"

War raises an eyebrow before he speaks, "Nile is complaining about an empty stomach. He is a whiny bitch, so we had to get away. Snacks are usually found in the kitchen, so we are here."

"Figures, a son of Poseidon is a complainer," I add before telling them what Drevi and I just talked about. "Well, whatever is in here you are welcome to take. Drevi and I are heading topside to get burgers and fries. Need anything else?"