My feet bounce up and down, my body buzzing with anticipation of where the images will land. First one is a seven, then the second is a seven, and just as the last one is about to still, I feel a little gust of air and then fabric full of coins hits my arm.
“I get up for one second to go to the bathroom and you swoop in like a hawk and steal my machine,” a blue haired old granny yells.Thump, she hits me again.
“Ma’am, I assure you that it was by chance I sat at this machine.”Thump, she’s done it again, and this time the bells whistle and the lights twirl as the machine starts to spit out coins.
“You hit my jackpot! I would have won this if you hadn’t taken my machine.”Thwack, thwack.
“Ma’am,” Frank started and she hit him before he could continue.What the fuck does this lady carry in her bag? That can’t be only coins.
I look at her dead in the eyes and let my anger rise enough that she can see the blaze in them as I rub my sore arm. “You’re more than welcome to the jackpot. Please, stop hitting me and I’ll help you collect these coins.”
She nods, and I simmer down as I do my best to kneel on the floor and grasp the silver coins that are scattered everywhere. Frank stands silently behind me. I both curse him and thank him; I’m trying to be modest, but this dress is not the best for that.
After all the coins are secure in her bag, she apologizes and thanks me for the help, then resumes her seat at the machine. A smile spreads on her wrinkled lips as she feeds the machine and pulls the lever once more.
Frank helps me from the floor and wraps his arm around my waist again.
“Thanks for all your help with Granny there. I can see in a fight you are useless,” I grumble.
“What? I knew you could take her, why would I interfere? And I did try until she hit me,” He laughs.
“I was just assaulted with a handbag at your hotel, and you sat back and did nothing. I couldn’t go all Hades on her, but man can she swing that bag. My arm will be bruised later, look at these red marks!”
“Don’t you worry, I will tend to you,” he purrs.
“Yes, I’m sure you will, just as well as you did with the old lady,” I shoot back.
He steps closer and his scent, whiskey and leather, almost makes me forget I’m mad at him. We take a stroll around the casino floor, Frank trying to coax me into playing another game, but the old lady and her bag are still fresh in my mind.
“Do you play?”
“Once upon a time. My brothers call me something like a sore loser,” he shrugs. “So, I try to refrain. It is tempting but not as much as you are.”
“That’s got to be the lamest line,” Ares draws out lazily. He is standing just behind us at a craps table. “You’re not going to melt her panties with that.”
“Ares, I do believe you are the bane of my existence.”
He throws his head back and lets out a side-splitting laugh. “Aunt Hade, you know that I’m your favorite nephew. That’swhy you trained me in combat; you didn’t do that for any of the others.”
“Maybe you were, but those days are gone. You grew to be a douche like your father. If you wanted to stay in my favor, you wouldn’t have fallen so far. Do me a favor when you lose and don’t destroy this floor.” I wink and hook my arm in Frank’s.
I pull him a little, needing distance between Ares and us. We don’t glance back but keep moving, until I hear the familiar voice of my nephew, loud with rage.
Frank tugs me back, but I continue on my path. “No, Drevi can handle him. This is time for you and I.”
“Oh.” There’s a pause before he pipes in again. “How do you feel about a dip on the roof? It’s my favorite spot to watch the sunset.”
“That would be amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever caught one. There’s no sun in the Underworld; I’m excited to see what all the fuss is about.”
Frank guides me to a service elevator, it’s not as fancy as the ones they have for the guests. He allows me to slide in before he follows, and I scoot to the left in front of the control panel. My eyes wander down the numbers until they stop on the word ROOF in bold red letters. As my finger pushes on the button, he leans to hit the 6.
“Don’t you need to stop at your room and change?”
I can’t help but laugh. “You watched as I clothed Seph.”
Snapping my fingers, a pink and azure chevron bikini replaces my clothes and Frank is now in a matching speedo.
“Why?” he groans, hands moving to cover his nether region. “Why am I in a banana hammock?”