“That’s kind of you, but no thank you.”
He grasps my bicep harder this time. “No one declines my invitations.”
The asshole grits his teeth, pulling me toward him.
I do my best to remain calm, but I sense my temper rising. He has no clue how close he is to death.
Until I spot a hand on his shoulder.
Glancing behind the cowboy, I barely keep my composure as I take in yet another beautiful man.
What is in the water at this hotel?!
He’s decked out in a black suit, a white button up shirt, with a black tie hanging down to his waist. Thick, brown hair is perfectly parted to one side with not one strand out of place. His full lips stand out on his cleanly shaven face, with a slight dimple in his chin just like Warrick.
Shit, is it possible that there is athirdbrother?
“Sir, if you will please take your hands off this woman. We do not condone that kind of behavior in this establishment. I am going to have to ask you to pack up and leave not only the casino but the hotel,” his smooth voice informs my captor. There is a hint of authority in his voice that sets the man on edge, his jaw ticking at the intrusion.
I can only feel relief. Not that I couldn’t have taken care of myself, but he inadvertently protected my cover.
“How dare you. Get your hands off of me. Who do you think you are? Do you know who I am? Get me the manager.Now!” His voice rises with each statement, his face an angry purple by the time he finishes.
“I am Drevi, themanagerand one of theownersof the 4 Horses. I can assure you that I have the authority to kick you out of both. If you wish, we can contact my brother Warrick. I have no doubts that he will back me up.”
They both stare at each other. Drevi is unwavering and the picture of calm. The man is sputtering and looking more foolish by the second.
“Fine,” the cowboy grumbles. “I‘m leaving without a scene, but trust me when I say I won’t be back and none of my business partners will visit this location again. Not when it prefersslutsover money.” He spits the final words at me and I raise a single brow as I cling to my composure.
I have half a mind to disintegrate him right where his pompous ass stands, sending him directly to the Underworld.
No trial, just straight to the depths of Tartarus with my child-eating father.
“Sir, we treat all our guests fairly. Not one is more special than another. I watched this woman kindly decline your offer. As she attempted to leave, you placed your hand on her, not once, but twice, and pulled her to you. Now you insult her character because I’m asking that you leave? You, sir, are the type of man that gives the rest of us all a bad rap. Please collect your winnings and your belongings. Johnny here will escort you to your room and out of the hotel.”
Drevi gives a brief, dismissive nod.
The asshole is forced to release me as he’s led away from us. My arm aches and I just know he left a mark. He’s lucky to be alive. The moment my eyes catch on Drevi’s, I’m lost in his slate gray eyes.
He lets out a polite cough that breaks the spell between us
“Sorry, it’s been a long and confusing day. No one in this hotel seems to think highly of me,” I mumbled before forcing a smile. “Thank you for coming to my rescue. I think I’ll retire to my room. So much for my first vacation, I’ve never been treated so rudely in my life” My words end in a frustrated huff.
“I’m sorry, miss,” Drevi starts. “Is there anything that I can do to make your stay more comfortable?”
With that smirk on his lips, my brain tells me to run, but my heart is telling me the opposite.
I wave him off. “Rude people, nothing you can do to change that. Thank you for coming to my aid, but I’m going to head in.”
As I turn to leave, he touches my elbow. I do my best to hide the shiver that courses through my body at the contact. It’s nothing like the touch from the cowboy.
“Miss,” he says as I glance back at him. “Could I interest you in some dinner? It seems a shame to let your night be ruined all because some people don’t have any class.”
I consider it for a moment. It does sound nice and what do I have to lose at this point?
“That would be lovely. Will you give me a few minutes to freshen up?" I ask, trying to keep a straight face.
He removes his fingers from their place on my elbow and I immediately miss the contact. “Yes, I’ll be waiting at the bar. Meet me there whenever you’re ready.”