Page 78 of Hades

“Well, I want no part of your fight. I couldn’t handle Harper, there is no way I can take on Hades. I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

”Your mouth isn’t the only thing you’re good atrunning. I only needed you to take the message to Hades. I never thought you’d actually fight.” I laugh.

Hermes scowls, he must not think I’m as funny as I do.

“Thank you for your aid tonight, Brother,” I say as I clap him on the shoulder. “That is almost as helpful as fighting in battle.”

He gives me a small smile before heading towards the bar.

“You told Hades you were coming? What kind of idiot are you? I know that dad dropped you on your head when we were little, but that’s dumb even for you,” Enyo complains.

“What? Aunt Hades is prolly too busy with her four mates to give a fuck,” I remind her.

“What? Four? I knew she had found her soulmate, you never said there were four of them.” The disbelief morphs to wonder on her face. “How does that work with four?”

Enyo taps her chin as she thinks on it some more.

“Sister, we aren’t here to discuss Hades's love life. War, blood, and the throne. Focus.”

“What do you know about her men?” Enyo asks.

“Why are you so worried about her men?” I demand.

“It’s good to know the enemy you are fighting, brother,” she says, clasping a hand on my shoulder.

“That is true. They aren’t gods, but they do have some kind of powers. I was a little busy, I may have heard something like a horseman,” I muse.

“Horsemen?” she stutters, horror on her face.

“Drevi, this is taking too long. I want to get back to the Underworld,” I tell him as I tap my foot on the concrete floor of the burger joint.

“I promise it will be worth the wait. We should have our food any minute. If Ares was stupid enough to tell us he is coming for the throne, I’m betting he will attack at dawn like he did last time. He has a flair for the dramatic,” Drevi says.

“That is true, but we left my niece that I just met in the Underworld and Seph is still hanging around. He may really like Lainie but I think he has another plan in mind,” I say, picking at my nails.

“Oh wow, you’re blue, lady. Who are you dressed as?” a drunk man asks, a little too close to my face. I get a whiff of pumpkin and alcohol as he breathes in my face.

“I am Hades and you’ve had too much to drink. Why don’t you go home?” I ask.

“Nah, with hotties out like you, can I really deny them all of this?” he questions, running his hands up and down in frontof his body.

“Oh no, you can’t. Don’t look now but that table of girls in the left corner are eyeing you,” I whisper a little loudly.

He grins and heads off towards the table.

“You handled that like a pro,” Drevi states, grinning at me.

“Well, I can’t have Death draining him of his life force before we get our food.” I wink.

“Order 777, order 777,” a muffled voice calls over the loudspeaker.

“That’s us,” Drevi says holding up his receipt.

We have to push our way to the counter and Drevi shows his little white paper then the worker starts loading paper bags on the white marble. Once there are six sitting there, here comes the drinks.

“How much did you order?” I ask.

“Well, I wasn’t sure what Harper and the guys would want.” He shrugs.