“Ha ha, yeah I’ve always been told that I am nothing like my father. Thank the gods,” I reply.
I’m grateful for the laughter. It breaks up the awkward silence after my little explanation.
The bar is hopping tonight. It was a genius move to hold a costume contest, one more stroke of genius for me. I smirk at myself. Brittany hated the idea of running a biker bar, that was until all the cash started to flow.
It being so packed in here, I know that my love will approve, but this is just a front for my real plan. The Underworld. It will be mine. Hades got lucky in our last fight and it was stupid on her part to leave me alive.
If she thought that I would come home with my tail between my legs and lick my wounds quietly, she was dead wrong. I came home and built a better army. I crave war and that throne will be mine. I told my father that I was born to rule, but he just laughed and did his disappearing act.
“Are you thinking about her again?” Brittany asks, her tone a little whiny.
“War and Hades’s head on the end of my spear. You’re the only one for me,” I try and reassure her. Some days, I wonder why I let a mortal tie me down but there is just something about her I find irresistible.
“What if you don’t come back? What if she kills you?”
“I am the god of War, no one can defeat me,” I remind her.
“That’s what you said last time and I almost lost you,” she says, caressing my cheek with her hand.
“She got lucky, I underestimated her and her men, but I also have backup this time.”
As if on cue, Enyo walks in, followed by Phobos and Deimos. I warned them before they came that the place would be filled with humans so no using their powers. At least until we fought Hades. Enyo tried to resist at first, but I told my twin that the bar was my human business and if she didn’t mind, I’d chain her to a rock before beating her with my spear.
My sister takes her sweet time as she crosses over the dance floor, running a finger over each mortal until she stops in front of me. She is clad in all black, a tank and jeans. Her long, black hair is pulled into a high ponytail. Phobos and Deimos on the other hand stick out like sore thumbs. They are dressed head to toe as if they are going to a hoedown.
“Enyo, nice to see you,” I say with a nod. ”What’s with these two?”
“I told them we were going to a bar, but not what type. I tried to get them to change, but they wouldn’t budge,” she replies as she picks at her fingernails.
“I know you’re ready for a fight, we will go soon. I’m waiting for a little birdie to report back.”
“Well, let’s just hope that it shows up soon. I don’t know how long these two will behave,” she states, as Deimos steps up to a burly biker and his woman.
“Deimos,” I say in a warning tone.
“Yes, Ares?” He smiles as he comes over to me.
“There will be plenty of minds to torture, my son.”
It’s been a few years since I’ve seen the twins. They don’tapprove of my mortal wife, so they keep their distance. I instructed them not to play with her head, and that was the last straw.
“What the fuck are you dressed like a redneck for? Did you really think that your father would own a hillbilly bar?”
“Enyo, told us this was the dress code. I thought it was strange that she didn’t dress the same but always the rebel,” Phobos chirps in.
“Go to the office and on the desk will be clothing for you two. I can’t have you picking fights here.” I sigh as I point towards the back of the bar.
They nod and head off just as Hermès enters from the front.
“Ah, the little birdie is here,” I tell my twin, pushing off the bar and towards a wooden table in the corner.
Hermès expression is grim as he takes a seat across from me.
“Was Hades topside? Did you see her?” I ask, almost a little too eagerly. I hope that he could deliver my message. I don’t want the element of surprise. I want Hades at the top of her game, so her defeat will be that much sweeter when I take the throne.
“Yes, she didn’t look worried, moreso bored. Are you sure it was wise to tell her of your plan?” Hermes asks with an eyebrow raised.
“Yeah, did she really expect the God of War to back down? I have my twin and children to aid me. There is no way we will be defeated,” I tell him.