Page 64 of Hades

“Oh, this will be fun. It’s been years since I’ve had to hunt a soul.” His eyes sparkle with delight.

“What floor did you get off on?” I question Pyro.

“Twelve, you think the soul is still there?”

“Doubt it, but it’s the only lead we have for now. I’m going to be a sight traipsing around in this dress. I think I’ll save the blue skin for the party.”

“Yes, I’m going to leave my scythe here. Got me in a black robe, I don’t need them thinking that the grim reaper is coming for them,” Drevi notes.

“You two are taking all the fun out of Halloween.” Pyro laughs.

“The soul is already in the holiday spirit, but I’m not sure if it will harm anyone. I should’ve paid more attention when we picked them up. But with Seph there, I was trying to keep my temper in check. Lainie finally found someone, and I don’t want to be the reason that he leaves. But if he thinks that he can fuck with me, he forgot who I am.” I snap my fingers and change Pyro into a sexy doctor outfit. “Perfect.”

Pyro smirks as he looks down. “These pants are a little tight, aren’t they?”

“Just because you’re taken, doesn’t mean I can’t show you off.” I smile at him with a wink. “Now, Drevi and I are off to hunt a soul. We have our cells; if it’s a soul from the fields, it won’t be much of a hunt. Tartarus, on the other hand, is a different story.”

Drevi takes my hand and leads me to the elevator. “Do you think the soul is from the depths?”

“I’m not sure, Pyro said it just scared the patrons. Most of the souls in Tartarus are the worst of the worst. Since it didn’t try to harm anyone, I doubt that’s what we are dealing with. Fingers crossed for an easy recovery, so we can party the night away.”

“Let’s not count our chickens before they hatch. Let’s find this ghost and we can chain it back with the rest,” Drevi states as he hits the button to take us to the floor underneath our current one.

“I’m sending it straight back to the Underworld. I won’t risk it getting loose again,” I tell him.

When the doors open, there is a young couple dressed up for the Halloween party. His face is painted white and he’s wearing a black and white suit. The lady on his arm is wearing a colorful patchwork dress with long, bright-red hair, and the makeup on her joints looks like she has been sewn back together.

I don’t ask Drevi until we are out of earshot who they are dressed as.

He holds back a chuckle. “I’ll add it to our list of movies for you to watch, it’s calledThe Nightmare Before Christmas.They are dressed as the main characters, Jack and Sally.”

I playfully hit him. “Don’t laugh at me. So, are we knocking on each door? Or just walking the floor listening for screams?”

“Let’s just keep an ear out. I told Pyro to have the staff let me know if they see or hear anything out of the norm. We will find this soul soon,” he promises.

“I still think you should have brought your scythe. It would’ve been funny to see the mortals scurry away from you,” I tease.

“You are a naughty girl, aren’t you?” He winks.

This time, I’m the one to chuckle. “Don’t you know that by now?”

A buzz sounds from Drevi’s hip, and he reaches for his phone. “The soul is in the casino. Let’s go.”

Hand-in-hand, we head back the way we came. Once we get back into the elevator, the ride down takes longer than normal.

Drevi turns to me. “How are you going to send the soul back?”

“Easy,” I reply with a snap of my fingers, my scythe appears in my hands. It isn’t much like his, it’s silver with a bronze skull on the blade.

Fuck, just when I didn’t think she couldn’t get any hotter, she does. Her in that flaming-orange dress holding a scythe about does me in.

“You okay there, Drevi?”

“Good thing, you can’t see under my robe.” I smirk.

“You hiding something under there for me?” Hades asks, her lips tipping up into a smile.

"If only we had time, but we have to get the soul and get to the party. Frank will skin us both if we don't make it," I remind her, and the smiles fade from both our lips.