Page 61 of Hades

“No, a couple are creepy but they are all harmless,” I reassure him. “Do you trust me?”

“I do, but you’ve never really celebrated Halloween, so I wasn’t sure what souls you’d pick,” he replies honestly.

I stop until he has caught up with me and intertwine my hand with his. We head toward Asphodel Meadows.

When we exit the palace, Cerberus bounds up to us and stands on his hind legs, each of his heads taking turns covering my face in his slobber.

“Who are good boys?” I laugh as I reach around and pat each head. “Where’s Lainie, boys? Take me to her?”

He trots to the bridge that connects the meadow to the main path in the Underworld. And there is Lainie and Seph sucking face again.

Swallowing down the bile, I find my voice. “Lainie, can you breathe?”

She and Seph break apart. “Oh, Hades, you’re here early. But I have what you need ready and waiting.”

“You two are really seeing a lot of each other,” I say in a snide tone.

Seph wraps an arm farther around Lainie and winks. “Jealous?”

I throw my hand back as a laugh escapes my lips.

“And why would she be jealous?” Pyro speaks up. “She has four men in her life that adore her, and we are all equipped with more than a twig.”

Seph’s face blushes red. “What do you mean?”

“Lainie, will find out soon enough. If she hasn’t already.” I smirk and reach out a hand toward my friend. “Come, Lainie, let’s leave the boys to chat. I need your help for a moment.”

Lainie breaks free from Seph’s arms and claims my hand in hers. “Oh, something fun, I hope.”

“Moreso for you.” I glance back to make sure the men haven’t followed. “I need a dress for the party tonight.”

“Oh, tell me more about the party.”

“Well, nowadays, they dress as monsters, ghouls, and goblins, and no one bats an eye. So, I will be Hades tonight, blue skin and all. Do you know how long it’s been since any mortal has laid eyes on my natural color?” I ask.

“Living or dead?” she counters.

“Very funny, it will be wonderful to walk amongst them as me, not a normal mortal. I wish you could be there tonight and join in the fun. Guess it’s time we add another soul to the mixof seeing how this place works. This will free you up from some of your normal duties as well, giving you time for other things you may wish. Start scouring the Underworld for some candidates, and we will decide on one or two together.”

“That would be amazing! Cerberus should help as well. He is picky about the people that come into the palace as well.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I smile as we enter my palace, our feet carrying us towards my room.

“Are you really happy with these men?”

Lainie’s question catches me off guard. “I am, what makes you say that?”

“It’s just before having them in your life, you wouldn’t have given a second thought to giving me more time off or adding more people to our little mix. As cheesy as it sounds, love looks good on you.”

“So, which gown should I wear?” I ask, changing the subject. Love has never been a topic of discussion, and it seems strange to start now.

“Hm. What about the orange, flaming one? That would complement your skin and not take away from your gorgeous blue coloring,” she explains as we finally arrive at my closet.

“My brothers sent that to me as a joke, I don’t know why you insisted that I keep it. But I guess today is a good reason. Unless it's more hideous than I recall.”

“Let me grab it for you; if you hate it, we will select another.”

Iwant to chase after Hades, not stand here and chit chat with her ex. He and Drevi grunt a few words back and forth, but it isn’t a deep conversation.