I glance behind War. “Where’s Hades?”
“She was talking to Lainie. Said she’d be out after.”
Frank comes in with two carts of food. They were all going all out for her.
“Dude, are you feeding an army?”
He shrugs as he continues to the little kitchen. “I wasn’t sure what Hades would like, so I got a little of everything. Don’t act like you assholes won’t be eating it too.”
Hades emerges from War’s room, dressed in a simple tank and some cut off shorts. Her hair is still dripping from the shower, a wide smile on her face. “Oh, good. I’mstarving.”
I help Frank uncover and arrange the food buffet style on our kitchen island. My mouth is watering not only for Hades but the double cheeseburger on the platter in front of me.
Frank notices me eyeing the burger. “Don’t worry, bro,” he says, uncovering the last dish. “This one’s for you.” It is not only a double cheeseburger, but it’s loaded with salty fries and a shake.
“Dude, you’re the best,” I say as I take the platter from him. As I pass by Hades, she snatches a fry and pops it in her mouth.
“Now you’re just tempting fate,” Drevi snorts.
“Why’s that?” Hades asks with an eyebrow raised.
“No one messes with Pyro and his food. The last time that happened was the time of the potato famine.”
“I taught those Irish not to mess with me again.” I say nonchalantly, as I head back into the living room. I plop down on the left side chaise, crossing my legs and getting comfy for the movie I will likely snore through.
Finally situated, I’m about to take a bite into my burger, when Hades settles in beside me. Her plate is overflowing with greasy goodness too. It’s almost startling to see someone else eat like me. Most women we’ve been around are obsessed with healthy food.
“You gonna eatallof that?” I ask, gesturing to her overflowing plate.
“Goddess, no,” she says with a laugh. “Your brothers thought I needed to try one of everything, so here I am, with no idea where to start.”
“Trust the cheeseburger. It will never let you down!”
She eyes me then the burger and picks it up from under all the fries, careful not to drop a single piece. As she bites into the burger, she gives me a closed-mouth smile from behind it while she chews.
“This is fantastic!” she manages to get out between bites. “I’ll have to tell Lainie about these. It’s usually just breads and meats from the time she was alive. It’s so boring.”
The others join us, and once Drevi starts the movie, my brothers groan.
“The Notebook, again?” War complains.
“I picked this for Hades, not you three.”
After twenty minutes and Hades settled next to me, I’m more relaxed than I have been in a while. Add a full belly on top of a lame movie, and I start to doze off, until Hades whispers in my ear, “Want me to tuck you in?”
I whisper back, “Only if you agree to be my snuggle buddy?”
She raises an eyebrow. “Only snuggle?”
“You know what snuggling leads to right?” I ask, wiggling my eyebrows back.
Drevi’s snores rouse us from our conversation. We notice that the other two are snoozing as well. Hades carefully stands and holds out a hand for me, and I don’t even have to think twice before I take it.
She waits for me to lead her to my room. We step around Frank and tiptoe toward my blue door. I say a silent prayer that I cleaned and changed my sheets as I welcome Hades into my domain.
As soon as I close the door, her lips are on mine.