"What is that?" she breathes.
"Would you like to forgo lunch and skip to the ice cream and cheesecake?"
She reaches a finger out and swipes at the ice cream. "Brr,that's cold."
I can't contain my laughter. "Yes, it has to be kept cold or it ruins. Would you like me to dish you some?"
She nods her head rapidly, eyes as wide as saucers. "After this ice cream, you may have to warm me up."
"So tell me, why does Ares want your throne?"
"He's an idiot. Ares, being the God of War, is not only blood-thirsty but power hungry. He doesn't realize that ruling the Underworld isn't what he expects. There aren't any battles to be fought. Most of the souls already know where they are headed when they arrive, and are content. You do get the occasional troublemaker, but one glance at Cerberus and they settle down. It's not a glamorous job, but it's what I am meant for."
"Will you fight Ares if it comes to that?"
She huffs out a sigh. "Yes, he seems to forget that I was the one that trained his sorry ass. He was a cute kid that grew up to be a little bitch. He had a chip on his shoulder from the moment he figured out he wasn't the future King of the Gods like his father. Being just the God of War was too mundane for him. I love my nephew, but I will put him back in his place.”
There’s a fire burning in her eyes now as she speaks. Hades is glorious in all her indignant glory.
“I am Hades, andIam the ruler of the Underworld."
The picnic with Drevi was quite relaxing. Sure, we talked about my nephew, but it didn't take away from the cute date he had planned. My mind was swirling with thoughts as he drove us back to the 4 Horses. Will he and his brothers really agree to come to the Underworld with me? Am I asking too much of them? I can come to visit Vegas from time to time, but I can't leave the Underworld to go to ruin, falling into chaos, and essentially handing the reins of my throne to my nephew.
"Lost in thought?" Drevi asks, rousing me. He flicks his eyes toward me, briefly studying my face before concentrating on the road again.
"Yes, sorry." I admit with a sigh, but offer him a reassuring smile. "I can’t ask you all to come with me. It's selfish, but there is no replacement I can trust in the long scope of things. Lainie is okay for short periods, but there is only one Hades."
"We are soulmates, or destined to be together, we will find a way. First we take care of your nephew, and the rest ismerely details."
He grasps my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, rubbing circles on my skin in a soothing manner. I return the sweet gesture, basking in the simple touch, it warms me the same as when I reaped a soul. That was a high like nothing I’d known before I met these men.
We sit in a comfortable silence for a bit and I take the opportunity to study him.
"How is it that no girl has snatched you four up?"
"As you know, one almost got me. She doesn't know I'm Death, but I proposed and we had a set date. That is, until I found her banging one of the dealers in the break room of the casino we both worked at. That was the last time we broke up. She keeps trying to win me back, but I decided it was time to move on. My brothers have been a great support in keeping me strong. I don't know what it is about her, but I have a hard time saying no."
"Well, she is a descendant of Aphrodite. That would make it hard for any man."
The car swerves a little as his temper flares. He grips the steering wheel with both hands, and I place my hand on his forearm.
"Drevi, it's okay. I didn't say that to get you angry. She probably has no idea, but that’s how she got Ares’s attention. He has always had a thing for Aphrodite. She is the only one with the powers to make people bend to her will. When I saw how Brittany did just that, I knew. There is no way a mere mortal could control him that way."
The tension in his shoulders and arms relax, but only just. His breathing returns to normal and he barks out a laugh.
"Honestly, that makes sense when you say it like that… I don't feel so bad now."
"Don't worry, Drevi, that's the past. Let's concentrate on our future."
"Our future, that's got a nice ring to it. I'm glad you agreed to come out with me. This was fun and something we will have to do again."
"Yes, and bring more ice cream next time. Besides you, it was my favorite part," I tease.
"I rate up with the ice cream, I'll take it. I saw how you licked that plate clean."
We pull up to the casino, and Drevi hands his keys to the valet and proceeds to my side of his car. Like the gentleman he is, he opens my door and holds out a hand for me. I happily take it, and he leads me through the front door. We enter the hotel with all eyes on us.
Drevi pulls me closer, looping his arm around my waist, and escorts me all the way back to my room, not letting me go until I’m inside. He stands in the doorway, and I raise an eyebrow at him.