Page 34 of Hades

Drevi wraps an arm around my waist, sending chills downmy spine, eliciting a shiver. I smile up at him. "Ready for lunch?"

"Yes, you must have read my mind. All warmed and ready. Nice chatting with you." He nods at Ares and his wife. With his hand still wrapped around my waist, he steers me around and past the pair.

Once we’re a little ways from the pool, Drevi turns to me. "Well, that was awkward."

"Nah,” I say with a smirk, “that was just the beginning. Ares will do all that he can to piss me off. My anger isn't legendary for no reason. Your little freak out is nothing compared to mine."

"Remind me not to get on your bad side," is all he says, though his voice is full of humor.

"So what do you have in mind for lunch?"

"I thought about taking you out for some sightseeing. Have you ever been on a picnic?"

"Yes, Lainie and I take Cerberus on walks in the Elysian Fields. She would pack snacks and we would watch him frolic with the kids. I'm sure whatever you have planned will be lovely."

Gulping, I almost throw up when I spot Hades with Brittany. Fuck, this can't be good. I stroll and try controlling my breathing and my nerves. I can't have another incident like the one last night. I've had enough embarrassment in front of Hades.

Hades...I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I had a date with the Goddess of the Underworld. My brothers and I knew there was something different about her, but never once was a goddess in the realm of possibilities.

Plastering a smile on my face, I walk around Brittany and the man she has by the ear. I can tell that she isn’t saying anything nice to her man by the scowl on his lips.

I slip my arm around Hades and she snuggles up next to me, and Brittany frowns but doesn’t let go of her husband.

“So this is your whore now? She’s not even pretty,” Brittany complains, a look of disgust on her face.

“Now, now Brittany. If you wish to speak to Hades or myself, you will watch your tone andtongue. I’m one of the owners, so I can boot you out of here,” I remind her more gently than I normally would have if Hades wasn’t at my side.

“Jealousy isn’t a great look on you,” Hades comments with a warm smile. “I trust that my nephew is keeping your bed warm?”

Ares frown deepens as Brittany goes to open her mouth again, “What the two of us do is none of your business. Let’s get out of this budget place and go somewhere nice.”

Brittany releases his ear and wraps her arms around him, “I agree. We are too good for this trashy place.

I know that the two of them are just trying to get under my skin but it’s not going to work this time.

“We will not refund your money,” I call after them, “but I’ll have the staff pack up your belongings for you.”

Ares grunts and Brittany huffs in disgust just before they disappear outside.

“Are you really going to have their stuff packed up?” Hades asks.

“Nah, I just said it to piss them off. If they start tearing up the place we really will.”

After a short carride we arrive at a little oasis, a green spot in the desert of Nevada.

Parking on the edge of the grass, I climb out and head toward Hades’s door, opening it for her and offering her my hand. She takes it with a sweet smile, and I take advantage of the moment to admire her long naked legs. She didn't change out of her suit before we left and I’m thankful for that.

Hades must notice me watching. She winks as she climbsout, a tank top and shorts appearing out of nowhere to cover her suit.

"This place is lovely. How do they get the greenery to grow in the desert?"

"I’ve been told this place was blessed by the gods or cursed. No one really knows, but most of the locals think it's cursed so they don’t ever visit."

She raises an eyebrow at me. "So, you bring a lot of girls here?"

"What, n-no," I stammer out. Sweat beads on my brows, her question catching me off guard. "I have had a couple dates here and there, but I am not the casanova my brothers are.”

There’s a twinkle in her eye. “Somehow I don’t believe that.”