Pyro's body shakes as he tries to contain his laughter.
"You're with PyroandDrevi?" she asks with a look of horror on her face.
"Yes, as well as Warrick and Frank." I smile back, showing just how much I love the idea. If she thinks she’s going to shame me, she’s lost her mind.
Words fail her as the ding signals we are at the ground floor. I pull Pyro out with me and we head to the pool, not glancing back once. The moment we’re outside, Pyro can't contain his laughter anymore.
"I have got to text my brothers. They’ll be upset they missed that interaction with Brittany."
"She deserved to be put in her place. As I told her, you four are mine now." I raise my chin, my lips pursing and hands clenching.
That woman better have gotten the message. I won’t be as nice next time.
"That we are," he replies, kissing me on my nose.
As we continue to the pool, I spot the chair in the most sunlight and head for it. Pyro walks me over and tells me if I need anything he'll be at the bar. I crook a finger at him, and as he leans in close, I pull him in and press a kiss his lips. Warm. Inviting.
I long to fall into him, but I know I have to stop. Pulling back, I shoo him off to work before I can change my mind.
"That's quite a show you just put on there, Auntie," a voice from the next chair calls.
Sighing, I turn to find Hermes is sunbathing in a speedo.
"Can you go cover up? No Aunt wants to see her nephew in a speedo." I scrunch my nose up as I focus on his face.
"I'll cover up once you do," he counters.
"Fine, but go to the far corner and bug someone else. I don’t need a babysitter. I’m Hades. Run back to my brother and tell him to stop worrying."
"No can do, Auntie. I’m your shadow until this Ares situation is resolved."
"Well, shadow, I don't want to see you. Go, or so help me I will cover you up and embarrass you in front of that pretty redhead eyeing you."
This gets his attention. He scans the length of the pool until his eyes land on her. I know he found her from the smile on his face.
He nods as he rises and I have to shield my eyes; Hermes in a swimsuit like that is not something I care to see again.
Not even in my nightmares.
I settle into my chair and lean back, closing my eyes as the warmth of the sun's rays heat up my chilled body.
It’s strange to simply relax after years of running the Underworld. I start to envy my brothers and wish I had taken a little more me time.
Now that I have the guys, I’ll have to prioritize that.
Once my body is finally warm on the front, I lean the chair down and roll over onto my belly. I’m almost asleep with the scent of Ares drifts my way.
Conjuring sunglasses on the chair, I put them on and turn my head to either side to spot that idiot nephew of mine.
My eyes stop at the bar, where he and the blonde from the elevator are chatting with Pyro.
With my shades on, I watch from my chair, ready to materialize next to Pyro the moment I notice any aggression from Ares.
To my dismay and delight, it never comes. He nods to Pyro as he and his wife head toward the pool.
They settle into seats on the other side, close to where Hermes was sitting. A small smile lifts my lips; that redhead must have talked him into leaving with her.
Good for her.