Page 30 of Hades

“I came topside to find my soulmate. I’ve waited long enough in the Underworld to find him, so I decided that Vegas was the best place to start. And then I found you four. The fates really pulled a fast one on me, and they callmesly.”

“Wait, if you’re Hades, aren’t you a man?” Drevi blurts out, confusion clear on his face.

Frank smirks. “I can guarantee that she is all woman.”

We all three growl at him, ready to call him out, but he waves us off.

“Oh, shut your mouth. We took a bath, that’s all.”

“Let’s get back to the matter at hand. Ares is here and he wants to take Hades’s crown. I have pledged myself to her.”

“So, what does that mean for the rest of us? Do you want all four of us? One of us? What?” I ask, needing to have all the cards on the table.

“All… I want all four of you,” she replies shyly, hiding her face in War’s chest. This action seems out of place for her, but it is another side to her that I enjoy seeing. This sexy badass woman has a softer, sweet side. We have so much more to learn about each other, but that could come with time.

“You’re what we want, too,” Drevi admits. “Never have my brothers and I felt a pull to the same woman. We all agree that you are the one for us.”

She peeks out from where she was hidden with a broad smile on her lips. “That is the best thing I have heard today.”

“Lady Hades, can I be honest?”

“Please do.”

“That makes me a little hot.” I wink.

“Seriously, Pyro, you are talking with your dick. We have more important things to worry about.” War sighs.

“Speaking of dicks, we need to get Ares out of the hotel. I don’t want to fight him here. It would destroy all that you four have worked so hard to achieve.”

“Why does Ares want to fight you?” I ask, moving closer to her.

“He is a power hungry moron. Ares believes that he was born to rule. His father will not give him the throne he wants, so he’s decided that since I’m a woman, he can just take mine. He’s an idiot to think that ruling the Underworld would be the same as leading an army. Not to mention the mountain of paperwork. Once I return, I will be buried underneath it all for ages.”

“So, what’s our next move?” Frank asks.

We all turn our heads toward War, waiting for him to answer.

“What? I’m not in charge. My name is War, not Leader.”

“First, I need to confirm it is Ares. Then I will speak to him. If he can’t see reason, then we will come back and decide what our strategy is. For now, you four need to go run your hotel and leave my nephew to me.”

Hades stands and flicks her wrist. Her current outfit fades away and is replaced with a blood red bikini. “I am going to the pool to let the sun warm me up.”

I fight the urge to throw her over my shoulder and take her into the bedroom behind us.

Drevi hands War his clothes, and with a snap of her fingers, he is now wearing his signature black suit. War kisses Hades's cheek and exits. Frank and Drevi follow his lead and do the same.

I stay seated and smile at Hades. She raises an eyebrow back at me. My hands rest in my lap—my attempt to cover the bugle under my suit.

“I thought I’d walk you to the pool.”

“Oh, you didn’t stay behind to try and calm the hard cock in your shorts?”

“It’s not my fault. A blue skinned beauty in a red swimsuit does it for me.”

“Fuck, thank you. I can’t go out there with blue skin.” She takes a deep breath and runs her hands through her hair. The blonde returns, and her skin changes back to the sun-kissed color it was before.

“Why don’t you go ahead? I’m just gonna hop into a cold shower.”