Page 15 of Hades

I nod and make a beeline for the bathroom I changed in earlier. Fumbling once again for my phone, my fingers grasp it just as I open the door. This time the bathroom is abuzz with activity, women fighting over mirror space. Some are adding touches to their makeup while others are getting their boobs situated in their pushup bras. As I stand in line for a stall, my fingers type at lighting speed.

Lainie, I have a date. Gods help me, I couldn’t say no, but now I am regretting this rash decision.

In mere seconds, her words appear in a flash on my screen. I can just picture her back home, eating a snack and waiting for my insane updates.

M’lady, you are Hades. Do not forget that, if you can survive your brothers, this date does not stand a chance.

I’m Hades, can a date be worse than a day judging souls? Surely not,I think to myself.

Yes, you’re right of course. Your words are just the encouragement I need. Oh, and next time my brothers coming calling, and I’m not home, please don’t tell them where I am.

Forgive me, I know they meant well. You are their little sister.

It’s finally my turn to take a stall, so I text Lainie a farewell and enter the small space with a toilet. Only after I promise to tell her details do I throw my cell into my purse.

There is a pounding on the door. “Hurry up in there. Some of us can’t hold our liquor very well,” a voice yells from the other side. It’s been seconds and I bite back an annoyed growl.

“Two minutes,” I call back, refusing to have another altercation with rude people today.

Taking a few deep breaths, I use my magic to refresh my makeup and hair. In a few seconds I’m ready to face Drevi. Thankfully we’re meeting at the bar where I can grab a drink, or twenty.

When I leave the stall, a blonde in a skimpy blue dress stumbles into me. She mumbles an apology as she closes the door once I’m clear.

Somehow in the few moments I was in the stall, the crowd doubled in size.

I wedge my way in between the horde of women at the mirror, studying my reflection to ensure my makeup and hair are still intact.

Satisfied with myself, I wiggle my way freeof their bodies, and the door pushes in as another woman joins the party. I take the opportunity to make my escape, smoothing my gown down and reminding myself to breathe as I search for this bar he mentioned.

My eyes roam over the poker tables from my suite that overlooks the casino floor. As soon as she steps up to observe an older lady at a slot machine, I’m hooked.

I can’t tear my eyes from her. The gown she wears is perfectly cut, showing all her curves. Blonde hair with streaks of blue is normally a turn off for me, but on her, I long to run my fingers through her silky locks.

The wonder on her face is a sight, as if she’s never seen a slot machine before. When the lady playing wins a jackpot, she moves on toward the tables.

Her steps stop at a craps table when a cowboy halts her to blow on his dice. She looks almost amused as she obliges.

As soon as her mouth nears his hand, my blood begins to boil and the plants resting on the shelf next to me start to dry up and crumble.

Mine.It’s the only thought in my head as I clench my fists and give into the urge to intervene.

Leaving my office I head toward her. It takes everything inme to force my breathing to slow, and it returns to normal as my feet hit the casino floor. At least, until the cowboy grabs her arm.

It’s not mutual, the look on her face tells me that much. Even as she pulls away, his grip only tightens.

Without a single ounce of hesitation, I step in, telling the cowboy to pack his bags and leave. He tries to argue, but I stand cool, calm, and collected.

It’s not an easy task with her so close to me. I want nothing more than to take her in my arms and whisk her away from all of this.

After the little chat, the cowboy is on his way, and I have a dinner date with the mystery woman. I didn’t believe my brothers when they told us about her, but I’m acting as if I’m a lost puppy who’s just found his master.

My eyes follow her as she heads toward the ladies' rooms. Once she disappears inside, I finally snap out of the trance I was in.

I head to the bar for a quick talk with Frank to give him a heads up about my date. I nod to the hostess as I pass. The brunette’s cheeks flush as she nods back. My brothers and I all seem to have that affect on people. Women, more often than not.

Chuckling to myself, I stop at the end of the bar and give a little wave to Frank. He grabs a drink for the redhead in front of him and then bids her goodbye as he heads my way. She gives a slight pout at his quick exit but thankfully doesn’t follow.

“Bro, don’t you have a casino to run?” Frank jokes as he sips his drink, one eyebrow raised as he waits for me to speak.