“Welcome back.” I focus on Toa’s worried smile, Mina hovering behind him. “You want to tell us what this is about?”
“Guys, I think I’m in big trouble.” I word-vomit my jumbled thoughts around Watts’s class and my visit to his office. I try not to focus too much on how his hovering over me and talking about my body made me uncomfortable, but I don’t leave out his implied threat. When I’m out of words, I stare at first one of my friends, then the other. “What do I do? I need this class to graduate.”
Toa runs a hand over his tight afro, but it’s Mina who speaks first. “That’s a new low, even for him. What are the odds he’s going to back off?”
I shake my head and shrug because I have no freaking idea. I never, ever imagined that he would go as far as he has.
Toa chimes in, “Should she go to the Dean?”
“She has no proof; it will be her word against his. And he’s tenured. He could probably murder someone in his office and the administration wouldn’t do a thing unless someone found his hands actually on the weapon.” Mina points out. She takesa deep breath of her own and stares into the distance. “Let me do some research. I’ll talk to a couple of people and try to find some options.” I make a sound in my throat and she quickly adds, “I won’t implicate anyone. I’ll keep it generic and totally circumspect; I promise. I know I can be a bit of a bitch sometimes, but this is in the vault.” She squeezes my shoulder. “We’ll get you through it, even if we have to shadow you to and from class.”
Tears gather in my eyes. “Thanks for listening. Really. I don’t expect either of you to solve this for me. I’m not even sure there is a solution,” I acknowledge that dark pit of despair that’s still right behind me. “But the only way out of it is through it.”
Toa nods. “Just keep your head down and do the next, right thing.” He repeats a mantra I use when I feel hopeless about something.
“You’re not alone.” Mina picks up the Thin Mints and offers me one. “It’s just weird that he didn’t specify what he wanted in exchange for the grade. I mean, are you supposed to read his mind?”
I munch on the tasty chocolate coated treat and take a sip of milk, already feeling better. “Well, we were interrupted by—get this—by William Rochet.”
Toa’s jaw gapes. “The Black Beast of Trinity? Get the fuck out. Did he need something?”
“No. It was super weird. Watts had mostly shut his door and we were talking, when suddenly there’s a knock and William was there saying that we had a project meeting to get to. Then he grabbed my hand and practically dragged me out of Watts’s office.”
Toa covers his heart with his hand. “He took your hand? Damn, girl. What the hell did you put in your text?”
I feel my cheeks heat. “Nothing, really. Just that I enjoyed watching him play hockey. And I may have mentioned he has a nice butt.”
Now it’s Mina’s jaw that drops. “You told the Beast that he has a nice ass.”
Toa nods. “Well, he does. He’s the best thing to come out of Canada since Ryan Reynolds.”
I nod and shrug because it’s irrefutable.
Toa fans himself. “And the video? Those gray sweatpants? I amherefor his fashion choices. Hottie not only has a fine ass, but he’s certainly a show-er, not a grower.”
I joke, “You mean he plays big in front of the net?”
Toa grins. “Something like that.”
I can’t help but add, “Don’t forget the arm porn. OMG, when he was poking the dough and his sleeves are pulled up and those veins?—”
“You should have mentioned the arms.” Toa points a finger at me.
“Will you two stop fangirling over his body for a second and be serious?” Mina rolls her eyes, then glares at us both. “Why would he suddenly want to help you? This guy doesn’t even like his own teammates. I heard he lives alone because he fought with his roommate so much freshman year that Coach Taylor decided it wasn’t even worth trying to place him with someone. Guy’s the definition of a hot head, and that’s putting it mildly.”
I pick a crumb off of my jeans. “I really don’t know. We’ve been in a couple of classes before, but he sits in the back with the other athletes. I didn’t even think he knew I was in that class.”
Mina cocks her head to the side like she’s trying to figure out this puzzle. “I hope you thanked him.”
“Not exactly. I may have…I may have yelled at him for interrupting.” I wince and look away, knowing it wasn’t my finest reaction.
“You. Yelled athim.” She cocks an eyebrow. “And you’re still standing.”
“I know.Iknow! I was overwhelmed and it was so unexpected and I was embarrassed because he saw—whatever he saw—and I’m terrified that him getting involved is going to make whatever is happening worse. I panicked.” I drop my eyes to my chipped dark purple nail polish. “I should probably apologize. And then it will be done and we can all forget about it.”