Page 186 of Well Played

“You did work hard earlier.” Ben sat on the edge of the bed. “And you’ve been looking after two children mostly on your own. I’m surprised that you’ve got any energy left after that.”

“They’re not that bad. I’m sure it will get better in a few years when they’re both teenagers.” Callie sighed. “I’m looking forward to that. A bit more freedom.”

Ben smiled.

“That’s definitely a game-changer. I certainly enjoyed it when my kids became teens.”

“Stroppy attitudes but more independence?”

“Pretty much.”

Callie realised that Ben’ hand was on her leg, his fingers curling on the inside of her thigh. His touch was warm through her legs. Either he had no idea he was doing that, or he did and he was teasing her. His expression wasn’t giving anything away. Callie knew she should tell him to move his hand, but she didn’t want to. In fact, she wanted him to shift his hand up a little higher, closer to her crotch.

Her clit was throbbing at the thought of it. Callie hoped that she could contain herself from squirming.

“Do you still want that bath?” Ben asked. “I can run you one if you want.”

“Why are you doing this, Ben?”

“What do you mean?”

“Why are you being so nice to me? Not that you aren’t normally, but this is something else. It’s like you and Matt were waiting on me.” Callie peered at him. “What are you up to?”

Ben tilted his head to one side, regarding her thoughtfully.

“You think we have an ulterior motive or something?”

“I don’t know. You tell me.”

Ben leaned towards her. Callie’s breathing quickened as he came closer. Fuck, was he actually going to kiss her? She wanted to go to him and kiss him back, but she waited. Nothing was worse than getting an assumption wrong.

He didn’t kiss her. But his mouth was so close that his breath tickled her lips. Callie had to stop herself from licking her lips.

“When we see a woman who’s in need of being taken care of, Matt and I do what we can to…relieve the stress.” He smiled. “Trust me, we haven’t even started yet.”

The statement didn’t sound sexual, but the sentiment behind it…Callie wanted to squeeze her thighs together to ease the throbbing, but Ben still had his hand on her thigh. If she did that, though…

“Anyway, I’ll run that bath for you. It’s no trouble at all.” Ben squeezed her thigh before he stood up, slowly dragging his fingers away. “You’ve got the rest of the afternoon to chill. Don’t forget I’m doing dinner tonight. I’m sure you’ll be hungry.”

Callie was hungry, but she wasn’t about to say that out loud. Right now, she wasn’t entirely sure if she was hungry for food or something else.

She held back a groan until Ben left the room, closing the door behind him. Not for the first time, she wished that Daisy was with her. It would stop this sexual tension from building.

Because that’s what it was. Ben and Matt had never behaved like this before, and now it was overwhelming.

What was she supposed to do with that?


“Well, that was delicious,”Matt declared as he pushed his empty plate away from him. “I wish I could do something with a chicken like you do, Ben.”

Callie groaned.

“That sounded worse than it should have been, Matt!”

“Well, that’s just how your mind works, Callie.” Matt’s eyes twinkled at her and nodded at Ben. “Thanks for that. Just hits the spot.”

“Glad you enjoyed it.” Ben looked at Callie. “How about you, Callie? There are about five different things, at least, that you’ve never eaten before.”