Josie gave me a tight squeeze. "I'm so proud of you, Hazel," she said. "You've worked so hard for this."
“We both did,” I said as I took a deep breath, ready to welcome my first customers.
The day flew by in a blur of laughter, hugs, and the happy buzz of conversation. The shop was packed with friends, family, and curious locals eager to check out the new addition to the neighborhood. I barely had a moment to catch my breath as I flitted between the register, the café counter, and the book floor, making sure everything was running smoothly.
At one point, I spotted a reporter from the local paper weaving through the crowd, a notepad in hand. She caught my eye and waved me over.
"Hazel, right?" she asked with a friendly smile. "I'm Rachel from the Glacier Bay Gazette. I'd love to chat with you about how Paperbacks and Pucks came to be, if you have a moment."
I glanced around, making sure everything was under control first. "Sure, I'd be happy to."
We found a quiet corner near the back of the shop, and I began to tell her the story - how I'd started out as the anonymous mascot for the Blizzards, how I'd fallen in love with Seth, how the idea for the bookshop had taken shape and how my best friend Josie was now my partner.
"That's quite the journey.” Rachel said when I finished. “And to think, it all started with a polar bear costume!"
I laughed. "Trust me, sometimes I still can't believe it myself."
Just then, a burst of laughter from the other side of the shop caught our attention. I craned my neck to see what the commotion was about and nearly dropped the stack of books I was holding.
There, in the middle of the sports biography section, was Mason, his arms wrapped around Josie as he dipped her into a passionate kiss. The team crowded around them, whistling and catcalling good-naturedly. Rachel raised an eyebrow, a grin spreading across her face. "Looks like there might be more than one love story happening at Paperbacks and Pucks," she said, still scribbling.
I shook my head, unable to suppress my own smile. "What can I say? Books bring people together."
As Rachel thanked me for my time and slipped back into the crowd, I made my way over to where Mason and Josie were now standing, both of them blushing and grinning like idiots.
"Well, well, well," I said, crossing my arms in mock sternness. "Canoodling in the book stacks, are we? Clique much?"
Mason rubbed the back of his neck, grinning. "Ah, come on, Sprout.”
Josie linked her arm through Mason's. "Can you blame us?" she asked. "There's just something about the smell of new books and freshly brewed coffee that brings out the romance."
"Plus," Mason added, "We had to find some way to distract ourselves from Seth's terrible latte art. I mean, how do you mess up a simple heart that badly?"
"Hey!" Seth called out from behind the café counter. "I heard that! And I'll have you know my latte hearts are a work in progress."
This was what I had always wanted. Friends, boyfriend, a place where love, laughter, and a shared passion for books and hockey could bring people together.
As the day wore on and the crowd began to thin, I found myself standing in the middle of the shop, taking it all in. The shelves, once neat and tidy, were now pleasantly disheveled, evidence to the many hands that had browsed their contents. The chalkboard menu above the café counter was smudged with the day's specials - the "Puck Bunny Latte" had been a surprise hit.
Seth came up beside me, his hand curling around my shoulders. "So, how does it feel to be a successful business owner?" he asked, pressing a kiss to my temple.
I leaned into him. "It feels like a dream come true," I said. "I couldn't have done it without you, you know. Without any of you."
Seth turned me to face him. "Hazel, this was all you. We’re just lucky enough to come along for the ride."
Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, and I rose up on my toes to kiss him. When we broke apart, I saw that the rest of the team had gathered around us.
"Speech!" someone called out, and the others took up the chant.
I laughed, swiping at my tears. "Okay, okay!" I held up my hands in surrender. "I'll keep it short. I promise."
I looked around at the faces of the people I loved most in the world - my family, my friends, my teammates. "I just want to say thank you," I began. "Thank you for believing in me, for supporting me, and for being here today.”
A chorus of "awws" rippled through the group, and I had to take a moment to collect myself before continuing.
"Paperbacksand Pucksis more than just a bookshop and café to me," I said. "It's a reminder that life is full of surprises, and that sometimes the best things come from the most unexpected places."
I glanced at Seth, remembering those early days when I'd been too shy to even talk to him, let alone imagine a future together. "Like falling in love with your brother’s best friend while wearing a polar bear costume," I added with a grin.