Page 297 of Well Played

Nando: What kind of beer do you like? Light?

Lila: Dude. If it was anything but tacos, you’d be bringing over Guinness.

Nando: But since we’re having tacos, what would you like?

Lila: Pacifico. And something for dessert.

Nando:I think I can manage that.6 tonight?

Lila: Sounds great. See you then!

The phone went off again with an address and gate code. Setting his phone in the holder, he headed off to go shopping.

Bows and flowersdecorated the wreath that hung from the door of a newer two-story townhome. There were little figurines nestled in the wreath, on closer inspection, he realized they’re video game characters. Mario, Luigi, Kirby, Link, Qbert, and several others he recognized. Checking the six pack at his side and settling the pastry box under his arm, he knocked on the door. A few moments later, the door opened to a smiling Lila.

“Hey, Nando!” she greeted him. “Come on in.” She reached out and took the beer from him, then led the way inside. Familiar aromas filled the air and his mouth started watering. There were also scents he couldn’t place but made him curious to try. “Shoes off, if you don’t mind,” she called.

He kicked his shoes off near the door then followed her into the dining area just off the kitchen. A four-seater dining table sat near the kitchen island, where several plates and bowls were set. Lila put the beer on the island near the food and went back to the stove, retrieving a large pan that she emptied into an empty bowl nearby.

Holding out the small yellow handle bag. “Dessert. It should probably go into the fridge. Hope you like crème puffs.”

“I love them,” she answered, wiping her hands on a paper towel. “Dinner is ready. We can plate up here and go into the living room to eat.” Handing him a plate, “There’s asada, chicken, and bulgogi.”

“Bulgogi?” Nando studied the bowl, then took a fork and sampled it. “It’s sweet…”

“Pears,” she answered. “You’re not allergic or anything?”

“Nah,” he said, shaking his head. “But I thought you said we’re having tacos.”

“You’ve never had a bulgogi taco before?”

“Girl, please,” he protested. He took three tortillas from the warmer and helped himself to the asada for one, the chicken for the other, then stared at the bulgogi before loading up on more asada. “I’ll try that next round.”

“Suit yourself,” she shrugged. Putting two tortillas on her plate, she dished some bulgogi onto each of them, then topped with some marinated vegetables. Then she took one more tortilla and heaped it with asada, veggies, and a bit of cheese and sour cream. Grabbing a beer, she led him to the overstuffed couch in the living room.

A well-loved PS2 sat on the wood and glass coffee table, two controllers and the SSX Tricky game case sitting on top. The long cable ran from the console to the TV set mounted on the wall. Under the TV was a large cabinet that housed several other generations of game consoles, including a bright orangeGameCube and even a Dreamcast. On one side of the cabinet were several shelves of video games for each of the consoles, many with Japanese characters instead of English. There were also several peripherals: the Hofner bass, mini taiko drums, even a set of maracas. The other side held DVDs and a few VHS tapes with handwritten labels. Another shelf held paperback and hardback books, oversized photo albums and a few video game character statues.

She started eating as she watched him take in her décor. “Not what you were expecting?”

“Not really,” he replied, setting his beer on the table before lowering himself to the couch. “You didn’t strike me as a gamer girl when I saw you.”

“Really, dude?” She laughed. “I had Kirby scrubs on, and my ID was on a Mario Lanyard.”

“I was kinda distracted when we met…”

“Ok, I’ll give you that one.”

He took a bite of his taco and made a sound of approval. “At least you know good asada.”

She smiled as she finished her bite. “There’s a little carniceria around the corner from here, they make some of the best asada.”

“But no bulgogi,” he finished. “There’s a reason for that.”

She just snorted, picked up her bulgogi taco and held it out to him. “Just take a bite. You’ll see.” He gave her a disapproving look, then took a bite.

And was pleasantly surprised.

“That’s not bad.”