I squealed, pulling her into a hug. "I knew it! Oh, this is so perfect. My best friend and my brother, falling in love.”
Josie laughed, hugging me back. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We're taking things slow, seeing where it goes.”
"He'd be a fool not to like you," I said firmly. "And if he breaks your heart, I'll sic the entire Blizzard team on him, mascot and all." We dissolved into giggles just as Seth and Mason rejoined us, curious looks on their faces.
"What's so funny?" Seth asked, slipping an arm around my waist.
"Oh, nothing," I said innocently. "Just girl talk."
Mason's eyes darted to Josie. "Why do I get the feeling that I should be worried?"
"No idea what you mean, dear brother," I singsonged. "But speaking of worry, I actually have a favor to ask you both."
They looked at me expectantly, and I took a deep breath. "So, about my bookshop/café idea. I was hoping you two might be willing to help me brainstorm some hockey-themed events and promotions to tie things together and drum up business."
Mason's face lit up. "Are you kidding? We'd love to. What about doing signings with local authors who write hockey books, both fiction and nonfiction? I know a couple who would do it."
"Ooh, or a ‘Paperbacks and Pucks' book club that reads a hockey-themed book each month and then meets to discuss it over coffee and treats!" Josie chimed in excitedly.
“I love that name.Paperbacks and Pucksfits perfectly.” I said.
"You could even do themed food and drink specials for game days," Josie added. "Like a 'Power Play Panini' or a 'Slap Shot Smoothie.' I can help in the kitchen if you need it."
I laughed. "You guys are awesome. I'm definitely writing all of these down." I pulled out my phone and started jotting down notes, my mind already spinning with the possibilities.
Seth leaned in close to me. "And maybe, on special occasions, a certain beloved mascot could make an appearance for photos and autographs.”
“I don’t think the Bear would be the drawcard.”
"Come on, Sprout," Mason said. "You can't deny that the Blizzard Bear was a big hit with the fans. They'd go wild if it showed up at your shop from time to time!"
"I'll think about it.” Knowing I would one hundred percent do it.
As we walked out to the driveway to say our goodbyes, Seth pulled me into his arms for a deep, lingering kiss.
"Whew," I said when we finally parted. "What was that for?"
"Just because I love you," he murmured, resting his forehead against mine. "And because I can't wait to start this next chapter of our lives together."
I smiled up at him, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. "Me too, Seth. Me too."
Two monthslater
The day had finally arrived- the grand opening ofPaperbacks and Pucks, my very own bookshop and café. I stood in front of the store, taking in the freshly painted sign and the hockey-stick door handles, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves flutter in my stomach.
"You ready for this?" Seth asked, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
I leaned back into his embrace, drawing strength from his solid presence. "As ready as I'll ever be," I replied with a grin.
We'd spent the past two months pouring our hearts into getting the shop ready, from choosing the perfect cozy armchairs to stocking the shelves with a carefully curated selection of books. The café area was complete with hockey-themed treats and drinks, just as we'd planned.
Josie had been a godsend and had taken over the café part, and had a simple but delicious menu, all hockey themed, including adding a few specials under different players names. As if on cue, the rest of the Blizzard team arrived. They'd allpromised to come out and support me on my big day, and seeing them here now, decked out in their jerseys and caps, made my heart swell with gratitude.
"Sprout!" Mason called out. "This place looks amazing! I can't believe my little sister did this."
I laughed, pulling him into a hug. "Believe it, big bro. And don't think I won't put you to work if things get busy!" I looked at Josie, “and Josie has been the best friend and partner I could ask for.”