Page 252 of Well Played

“He hired a motor home?” Alice shook her head. “Ryan, are you doing this to get back at Christa?”

“No way! If he hadn’t mistreated you, I’d feel sorry for Tom. No, I should be grateful to Christa for letting you see his true colours.”

“I’ve learnt so much since he left.”

They stopped talking when they reached the shore of the lake. Alice edged up to the shoreline, her toes tantalisingly close to the lapping water. Ryan kicked at the pebbles, selecting one to skim across the rippled surface. Each pebble he threw bounced further, and when he had six bounces, Alice picked up a stone to join in.

“I still don’t see why Sam is worried about you.”

“When Christa dumps Tom Tit, he’ll come back to you. You were hurt when he left. What will you do?”

Alice focused on skimming the pebbles.

“Sam’s worried you’ll let him move back in. He’s worried I’ll get hurt.”

Alice threw one last stone into the water and dropped the rest. Wiping her hands together, she looked up at Ryan.

“Tom would be welcome to do that.” Ryan’s shoulders slumped as he turned away and threw a pebble high into the sky and into the lake. “He can have the flat because I’m moving out!”

Ryan’s gaze fixed on Alice. She couldn’t read his mind.

“Coming home to find that note came as a blow. To discover he’d left, all his stuff, everything gone. He must have been planning it, and yet I’d no idea. So, I’m shocked. I’m hurt. My ego’s hurt. But now I can see that whatever else happens, I’m not staying in that flat, and I most certainly don’t want to be with Tom.” Alice picked up a handful of pebbles and went back to skimming. “Something still doesn’t make sense. We were only pretending so …” Ryan looked over the lake, his hands deep inhis jeans pockets as he rocked on his heels. “Ryan, we were only playing, weren’t we?”

“Alice, I care enough about you to do whatever you want. I’m sure I said that.” When Alice didn’t speak, Ryan tried again. “Alice, I want to help, not make things harder for you.”

“But Sam’s worried because he thinks you aren’t pretending?” Alice said softly.

“Alice … I …” his hand reached out for hers. She took his hand, stepping closer.

“Ryan, I like you, and today has been wonderful. I guess we should have talked this through before we got started.” Her voice faded to a whisper. Ryan pulled Alice into his arms, holding her safe. His hand cupped her face, his thumb stroking her cheek.

“Is it too late to talk?” he asked tentatively. Alice shook her head.

“No, it’s not too late.”

“Come on, I left that chocolate in the truck, and it's not the only thing I bought.”



“Come on.”

He reached out a hand, desperate to touch her, but how could he tell if she felt the same? He’d already made more than one mistake.

This time, Alice took his hand when he offered it. Ryan’s fingers interwove through hers. The connection between them was growing. He could feel it flowing up his arm and into his chest. This was his chance.

“Just one thing, Alice.” He held her eyes. “No more pretend. We need to talk honestly.” Alice silently nodded in agreement. “I hate to say this, but in some ways, Sam is right. One or both of us could get hurt here, and that's why we must be straight with each other. The last thing I want to do is hurt you.” He squeezed her hand as his eyes closed.

“I understand.” Her voice was soft, and he searched her face for the reassurance he needed.

“Do you?” His thumb stroked her palm as he peered deeper into her soul.

“We have a lot to talk about.” They walked on without speaking, still communicating with exchanged looks and smiles. Ryan squeezed Alice's hand as he shortened his stride to match hers more closely. When they arrived back at her impossibly small tent, he stood back to let her open it.

“I forgot how tiny this is,” he sighed.

“We fitted OK last night, didn't we?” The tremble in her voice touched him.