Page 247 of Well Played

“Could he have been seeing Christa before we broke up?”

“Stop worrying about that. Forget Tom.” Lucy urged. “If Randy Ryan was snogging me, I know I’d be enjoying it.”

“He’s just being kind,” Alice muttered quietly. Her head down, trying not to look right or left.

“I’m convinced he is only doing it to wind Tom up.” Alice stopped dead, and Grace had to stop, too.

“I’m sorry, Alice; I know I keep saying that. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Lucy took her other arm.

“Come on, Alice, let’s go see the Nottingham knights play before our last game. Sod the men. But for what it’s worth, I say, you kiss the face off that man. Enjoy it, even if it’s only for the weekend.”

They fell silent as they found their way to the court they wanted. If Alice hadn’t already had enough doubts about the real motives behind Ryan’s attention, now her friends had shared their doubts, too.Stop overthinking it. People keep telling you to enjoy yourself. I am enjoying it.

Alice tried to listen to what Grace and Lucy were saying about the team they still had to play. It didn’t work, though. It felt as if they both were talking a little too much to cover the awkwardness after the conversation about Ryan and the confessions her friends had shared.

“Do you think Vicki will want to do something different for this last game?”

“I have a feeling she’ll retreat back to the normal lineup.”

“I hope she isn’t going to be a pain about dinner this year.”

“What does that mean?”

“Oh, I forgot you usually eat with …”

“Tom, you can say his name. I won’t explode.”

“Maybe we need a code name for him that doesn’t give him any power.”

“The Sharks lads call him Tom Tit. It made me smile.”

“That’ll work when he isn’t in earshot.”

“Anyway, Victoria?”

“Well, she makes this huge fuss about us going out as a team, eating as a team …”Another reason she doesn’t like me then.

“Yes, but then she gets all fussy about what she will or won’t eat.”

“So, what do you do?”

“We do the same as this club has been doing for years. We go to a huge Chinese banquet place like almost every other team. It’s one of my favourite parts of this weekend.”

“What? You don’t come for the fabulous spa facilities?” All three girls collapsed into giggles, rolling in the grass. It was exactly what they needed to break the tension from all the talk about Alice’s love life. The familiar scent of freshly cut grass eased her into believing that life could be normal again.

The time for their last match came all too soon. A hold-up getting their match started made it the final game to finish.

Victoria came gushing over.

“Alice, go back to your normal spot. Lucy, you can set. I want everyone trying in this game.” Lucy looked at Alice and shook her head. As she picked up a ball to warm up with, she whispered to Alice.

“She’s seen Rob Green is watching, and rumour has it he is taking over the National Squad in September. Victoria won’t want to miss this opportunity.”

Alice didn’t care about being selected; she was just pleased she could relax and focus on her game. Simply to be back on the other side of the court, which felt more natural and where she could enjoy the flow of play.

Watching this team play earlier meant Lucy knew which strategies would help her hitters. She was finding Alice with a fast ball, allowing her to really show her ability. They needed fivemore points to finish the day at the top of the table. Lucy put up a reverse set that Alice connected with, hitting the ground an inch inside the corner. She felt in control for every moment of her attack.