Despite the hurt that they were over, and that Tom had someone new, a massive part of her felt relieved. Now, she didn’t constantly need to think about what he wanted, what to eat, and where to go. For the past three years, she’d happily agreed to do whatever Tom said. She’d told herself it made her life easier.
Her problem now was whether she went out to eat with her club or with Ryan’s.Are you getting a bit ahead of yourselfthere? He hasn’t even asked you. This is only pretend, isn’t it? But if we are pretending, surely, we need to eat together.
Her captain’s voice broke her thoughts. “Alice, can you hit outside for this match?” Victoria held out the rotation slip.
“Yes. Well, start for this set, and we can look at it later.” Alice wasn’t sure why they always did what Victoria wanted when the coach wasn’t there. But as usual, she didn’t argue.
Playing out of position meant she had to focus that bit harder. It kept her too busy working out where she needed to move on court to think about Ryan Fields. However, despite all her efforts, it wasn’t good enough for their captain.
“Can you try and concentrate on the game, Alice? Wherever your head is, we need it on this court.”
Grace patted her shoulder. “You’ve got this.”
They managed to win the match, and yet Alice couldn’t help thinking it was despite Victoria’s attempts to mix things up.
The team gathered on the side of the court. Lucy rubbed her hands together.
“Are you going to watch the men’s team play, or has Alice changed sides and is off to see the Sharks?” Alice took a breath to think about her reply. It was too late; Victoria had overheard.
“You aren’t leaving to play for Sharks of all people, are you?” Victoria sniped disapproval in every word.
Alice blushed. Images of Ryan ran through her head as she tried to find words.
“No, we’re not going anywhere.” Lucy laughed. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you there, Victoria.”
“I’m not scared,” she huffed.
“I was referring to all the kissing that keeps happening between our Alice and sexy Ryan.” Alice closed her eyes, blushing again.
“Ryan? As in that guy who follows Sam Shepherd around. Surely not. Why ever did you let Tom go? I don’t understand it. Tom is far more suitable.”
A stunned Alice opened and closed her mouth, yet no words came out.How do you answer all that?Grace, as always, came to her rescue.
“We’re going to watch the team we play last. Stuff all the men.” Grace linked her arm with Alice’s, and Lucy walked on the other side. They left Victoria with her hands on her hips, staring after them.
“Shit, I’m sorry Alice. I didn’t realise she was listening. I was only teasing.”
Still unable to find words, Alice leaned into Grace, who squeezed her arm.
“Don’t worry about it, Lucy. Alice understands. It is going to be a bit awkward for a while, not least because Tom is still part of this club and not the most sensitive person in the world.” Grace looked around to see who was listening. “Did you hear he tried to say Alice shouldn’t have come?” Alice glared at Grace.
“I’m sorry, Alice, people need to know. Just because you aren’t being all dramatic doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt watching him dancing around to that woman’s tune.”
“He’s a toad,” Lucy said with a scowl. “He made a pass at me at the Christmas party.” Alice gasped, her hand covering her mouth.
“He sent me a text to go out when you were at training camp last year,” Grace confessed.
“What? Why didn’t you …”
“He came around the next morning, saying I’d misunderstood; he just thought he was being a friend to me with you away. He claimed only to be doing it for you.”
“And you believed it?”
“I wasn’t sure, but I’ve watched him since then.”