“Don’t you think she can make her own decisions? Or did you change your mind?” Ryan turned his back on Tom.
“Listen.” Tom started. Ryan spun to face him again as Sam walked over to stand beside him.
“No, you listen. Leave Alice and me alone. You’ve done and said enough. Christa is waiting. Shall we have this conversation with her?”
“NO! Just leave Alice alone.” Tom spat out as he rushed back to Christa.
Sam patted him on the back. “Well said, I can’t help thinking you wasted your breath there. I’m worried about this thing with Alice, but we won the match, so …” Ryan’s eyes fixed on Tom’s face as he realised Christa had stormed off towards the cars.
When Jake shook his hand, he, too, had something to say.
“She’s pretty vulnerable right now, mate.”
“I get it. I’m trying to protect Alice.”
“Don’t let it make things worse. I worry she can’t take it.”
Ryan nodded. “Thanks for the game.” His lips tightened as he turned away.
A tentative Ryan slowly approached Alice. “Lunch?” He kept his eyes on a stunned Tom searching for his new girlfriend. He was happy to stand up to Tom, but he didn’t want Alice to have to listen to it.
“What did Tom say?”
“Alice, do you want him back?”
“God, no!”
The conviction in her voice was clear, and he began to relax again as the two groups chatted, yet still aware that Jake’s eyes didn’t leave him. Ryan stood behind Alice, his arms slung lazily across her shoulders. He kissed the back of her head as his whole body ached to defend her.
“So, how long have you guys known each other?” Lucy asked.
“Six years.”
“I think you’ll find it’s seven.” Ryan looked round at her face, his smile as wide as it would go. He wriggled his hips playfully behind her.
“Oh, I forgot about that.” Alice blushed.
“I’m hurt. How could you forget?” Ryan pouted.
Alice slapped his chest. “Stop teasing.”
“You know you love it when I do.”
“Have we got time for some lunch, or have you got another game?” Alice asked. Tom still distracted him. He angled his body, placing it between her and her ex, pushing his forehead to hers.
“I have a game, though you have one first, so if we’re going for something to eat, we need to go now.” Ryan took her hand and guided her toward the brightly coloured flags of the food vans. They left a frowning Tom watching them walk away hand in hand.
“You read my thoughts again.” Alice smiled.
“Now, let’s see if I can do it again when I decide what food I think you’ll like.”
“Oh, this should be interesting.”
At lunch,Ryan had been attentive. When he nuzzled into her neck, talking softly to her, his voice reverberated through her. It had been both fun and exciting, so she couldn’t help trying to see where his team were playing as she walked onto the court after lunch. It was pointless; the crowd was too big. She didn’t understand why she tried. She’d come this weekend to focus on volleyball and forget all about the male of the species. Only on Thursday, she’d announced to Grace and Lucy that she didn’t intend to give any new men too much head space. It was time to consider herself.