“I thought you were here with Tom.” Ryan got to his feet, ignoring Christa’s offered hand.
“Ryan Fields, you know you only have to say the word, and I’ll be there.”
“I’m pretty sure I’ve made myself clear, Christa. I don’t need your sort of drama. Now excuse me.” He could hear the forced laughter from Christa as he walked away.
“Damn!”I’m sure this is where I left the truck.And there it was, the confirmation that he wasn’t wrong. His sleeping bag and his rucksack stood right on the spot where his truck had been.Bloody Sam! So now, what do I do?
The idea of Alice alone in that blue tent danced in his brain. It was an ideal solution. With more time, she might be ready to talk. And if Christa did get tired of slumming it with Tom? I’d be there to protect her. Hopefully, I can help her see she would be better off without that prick. But is she safe around me?
Picking up his things, he took a direct route back to where he’d kissed Alice. Part of him hoped he would find another solution, but mostly, he hoped he wouldn’t. When the minuscule tent came into sight, the knot in his stomach returned. What could he say that Alice wouldn’t feel threatened? She’d already put up the barriers when he offered to walk her back. How would she respond to the idea of him sharing her tent?
He tapped gently on the canvas, afraid to wake her if she had fallen asleep. To his relief, he heard her moving towards the door. When she opened the flap, a beautiful smile lit up her face as she saw him.
“Hi Ryan, what’s up?”her mouth dried as her fingers played with the zip. He looked troubled, but the sparkle in his eyes remained.
“I realise this looks bad. I can’t find bloody Sam, and I don’t know where else to go. He’s driven off in my car and just left my bag and my sleeping bag lying where I parked it. Right now, I want to kill him.” Ryan shuffled his feet. “I was wondering …”
Alice swallowed, and before she could think too long, she heard herself inviting him in.
“Yes, it’s OK, Ryan. There’s enough room in here.” Alice slid back inside the tent, and Ryan followed her, pulling in his things.
“I’ll be out of here first thing in the morning. I wouldn’t want anyone to see me coming out,” he mumbled.
“Oh!” When she wanted to say, ‘ouch’. It hurt that Ryan would be so worried about being seen with her. Her face must have given her away because Ryan started back peddling, the words tumbling out of his mouth.
“No! I meant for your reputation. I wouldn’t want anyone to see me coming out because I wouldn’t want to ruin your reputation, not that I wouldn’t want anyone to see me coming out for me because I’d be embarrassed, like … oh Alice. I’ll shut up now.”
“Right now, Ryan, it might be nice if some people thought there was something between us.”
“By some people, do you mean Tom?” His eyes narrowed.
“Yes, I guess I do mean him.”
Ryan settled down on his side, propping his head on his hand. Alice felt unnerved by this close attention.
“What happened with you guys?”
“I wish I knew.”
“Has he been seeing her for long?”
“God, you know how to ask questions.” Alice closed her eyes, then opened them again as she searched for the words to explain. “Christa? I’m trying to tell myself they weren’t seeing each other before we split up. Although she works at the same place … so … I can’t help worrying that something might have been going on.”
“Do you need to know the details now he’s gone?”
Looking directly at Ryan, her brows pulled together. “I haven’t been able to work out why he’s been such an idiot recently.”
“Oh, maybe he tried to get you to finish with him so it wouldn’t be his fault?”
“Do guys do that?”
Ryan shrugged. “Anything is possible with Tom.” His eyebrows knitted together. “I’m more puzzled about Christa. I’m surprised she’d have anything to do with him.”
“Do you know her?”